How have you awakened to this new day?  Have you accepted it with open arms and ready to face it with love and positive energy?  Do most of us wake up and start our day off with the following thoughts:

  • “I wish it was Friday”
  • “I hate Monday’s”
  • “Another work week, arrgh”
  • “I wish I could win the lottery and not have to work again”
  • “It’s so dark and gloomy outside”
  • “I hate the people at work and hate my job”

What we are doing when we think like this, is sabotaging our day.  When we wake up with a negative disposition to everything we are essentially saying that we want more of it.  If we keep dwelling on any negative thoughts – you will find that only negative things will happen; you will stub your toe or spill coffee on yourself, you will miss the bus to work or be in traffic longer than usual, your boss will be in a bad mood or you will have to work late.  You will encounter other negative and curt people, you will not have a happy day. 

How do we change this pattern?  We can start by changing what we do prior to going to sleep.  Here are some suggestions:

  1. Don’t watch television prior to going to bed, especially the news.
  2. Clear your mind of all negative thoughts from the day prior.
  3. Go for a walk or to the gym.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Read a book.

Instead of waking up with negative thoughts or views about how your day will be – turn it around and tell yourself you will have a fantastic day filled with love and positive energy.  If it is raining outside – embrace the fact that the rain is life-giving and rejuvenating mother nature.  Wake up and remind yourself that you still have the breath of life – you are alive and well.  Sing as you get ready for the day ahead.  Smile and love that you are alive.  Don’t get me wrong – life isn’t easy and we do need to acknowledge that ‘stuff’ happens but it is how we deal with that ‘stuff’ that determines what kind of day, week, month, year and life we are going to have. 

This is why MY day will be a successful one:

  • I will treat others the way that I want to be treated.
  • I will not judge others.
  • I will laugh a lot.
  • I will appreciate and give gratitude that our planet allows me to live.
  • I will respect all living things.
  • I will be open and receptive to new ideas.
  • I will be kind and compassionate.
  • I will spread love into our world.
  • I will do these things willingly and without the notion that I want something in return.

  Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

One thought on “IT’S SO DARK and GLOOMY OUTSIDE!

  1. Thank you so much for today’s blog. I woke up to the sound of wind and rain and thought what a gloomy day, do I really have to get up. I grabbed my phone to postpone getting out of bed when I read your blog for today. It made me think how can I change the day? I remembered being a child and when it was raining I couldn’t wait to get home from school and play with my hot wheels in the rain. I pretended I would crash into a lake when there was a puddle. This made me change what I thought of today’s rain and how I was feeling about it. I jumped out of bed and remembered how much I used to love the rain. My inner child thanks you.


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