Humanity is at a cross roads regarding the state of our planet – if there is anything we can do about it, WE MUST DO IT NOW.  The debates must stop and we must act.  So, what is the problem?  Modernization, Consumerism and the demand that we put on our planet’s resources for wanting and needing more.  Most of us do not think about the consequences of our actions on a global scale – when we want something, we go out and buy it.  No questions asked and no regard of the outcome of the decision we make in buying that said product.  How many of us ask ourselves:

  • “Do I really need (insert whatever it is you are buying)?”
  • “What am I supporting when I purchase this?” (Deforestation, human rights issues, low wages, poverty, public safety).
  • “Do I really need to buy new, or is there a ‘used’ alternative?” (less packaging, less waste, less impact on the planet’s resources).
  • “Do I really need another car, boat, etc…?”
  • “What am I supporting when I purchase from this company?” (Do they have great environmental policies, are they working to sustain the planet, do they test on animals, are they part of the environmental problem and not the solution?)

In our desire to want and need, we continue to deplete what little natural resources we have.  An automobile can cost $35,000 but what is the cost to the planet when we need to use steel for the skeleton of the car, leather for the seats, plastic for the body, etc…How much more can our planet take?  Well, according to the majority of climate scientists, we are on the brink of a catastrophe of great proportions – it is not a matter of ‘what if’ anymore but of ‘when’.

In Stephen Emmott’s book, “Ten Billion” – Stephen asks an aspiring and brilliant scientist on the impeding climate crisis what he would advise his child – the scientists reply was shocking to say the least…He indicated that he would ensure his child knew how to use a gun to prepare for the civil unrest due to climate change based on their facts.  I come from a more optimistic view and hope that we can come together and solve this potential crisis.  Here are simple solutions that can decrease your carbon footprint: 

  1. Educate yourself – rely on facts not what you hear from our politicians, religious institutes and corporations.  Politicians will tell you anything to get your vote, rely on their actions to make a difference for the planet and for humanity.  Corporations rely on your money and will tell you anything to get it – demand better product for your health, the environment and the ethical treatment of animals.
  2. Stop buying products the promote deforestation on a mass scale (paper, palm oil, cotton).  Find alternative products.  For example, hemp can be used for many things and has much less impact on our planet.  Again – demand this from corporations and your politicians.  Hemp is not what they want you to believe it is – educate yourself and stop listening to what ‘they’ want you to believe on hemp.
  3. Support politicians that make a real commitment and effort to fight the impacts of climate change.  Ensure they support new technologies that are sustainable and don’t contribute to challenges the children of the future will have to face.
  4. Drastically minimize your need to purchase anything new.  Buy used.  More importantly – if you don’t need it, don’t buy it.
  5. Bring your breakfast/lunch/dinner in reusable containers/bags – there is no need to contribute to landfills.  Don’t buy anything in plastic or styrofoam containers.  If you do eat out – support a local business and “BIG CHAINS”.  When you eat at a local restaurant, you are supporting local farming and most serve their meals on plates and cutlery that is reusable.
  6. Think about fostering/adopting – there are many children in the world that would love the opportunity to receive love.  Having more children contributes to the challenge of over-population.  More people requires more natural resources (food, water, land).  If we are maximizing these resources now having more children will only contribute to the problem.  Educate yourself on this matter and really ask yourself “Do I want to contribute more to this problem, or do I want to help find a solution?”
  7. Limit travel to places that are fragile – Borneo forest, Amazon, Madagascar, Great Barrier Reef, etc.  The more you travel to these places – the more they will become endangered due to over development.

The most important thing you can do:

  1. Use your common sense:  The more we consume – the more garbage there is.  The more we use pesticides – the more we pollute our soil and water.  The more we fly and drive – the more we pollute the air we breathe.  The more we eat meat – the more forests we destroy.
  2. Listen to the experts:  Climate scientists don’t have anything to gain by informing us of the truth.  They are not being paid by politicians or big corporations.  They are providing factual information based on years of study and environmental events that are taking place right now because of our actions (drought, fires, extreme weather, landslides, flooding, rise in temperatures). 
  3. See the evidence that is right in front of you:  Look around – developers are cutting forests down to replace them with homes we don’t need, companies are destroying our waters and forests for oil that won’t last.  Governments are spending more money on policing the people and subsidizing wars rather than investing in sustainable energy and saving the planet.

Is ignorance bliss?  NO!

We need a REVOLUTION OF LOVE to save humanity.  We need more people to stand up to corporate bullying and we need politicians that are acting out of love for their countries, the people and the greater good of humanity and not for the kick-backs they can receive.

Please watch Years of Living Dangerously on Showtime.  Here is a link to the premier episode:

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