What do you think about when you think of karma?  I instantly think of the following:

  • The attitudes and behaviours you show to others is what comes back to you.

The definition of karma in the Concise Oxford Dictionary – 9th Edition defines karma as follows:

karma – n. Buddhism & Hinduism 1. the sum of a person’s actions in previous states of existence, viewed as deciding his or her fate in future existences. 2. destiny.

Here is what I think of karma and what it means to me:

KKindnessBe kind and show kindness to everyone.  We can change someone’s attitude by showing them kindness instead of being reactive and defensive.

A AcceptanceAccept the differences in everyone.  We all can’t have the same dispositions in life, our differences is what makes us all unique.

R RespectfulWe need to respect the differences, traditions and beliefs that others hold.  By respecting one another, we become more tolerant of one another.

M MindfulDon’t do something for the sake of doing it or because you feel you have to, do it because you want to and because you care.  

 A AttitudeMaintain a positive attitude in life and you will attract the same.

If we are kind, accepting, respectful, mindful and have a great and positive attitude in life, we are bound to receive the same.  Most of us put up so many barriers and may have been hurt or unloved in our pasts that we forgot how to show love and kindness.  If you take notice – FORGET THE PAST and live in the moment, we can begin to live a life that comes from love.  Put no pressure on yourself or don’t expect anything in return – just live from love and that is all that you will attract.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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