Words That Describe How I Felt In ‘My Closet’

Alone, Scared, Different, Alienated, Suicidal, Disgraced, Anxious, Depressed, Unloved, Hopeless, Withdrawn, Lie, Worthless, Angry, Sad, Confused, Hurt, Hate

Words That Describe How I Felt After ‘Coming Out of My Closet’

Free, Unchained, Scared, Authentic, Loved, Happy, Truth, Worthy, Sane, Hopeful, Rejuvenated, Alive, Joyful, Exstatic, Proud, Sense of Community, Cared For, Relevant, Right, Inspired, Independent, Courageous, Strong, Able, Respected

Once you remove the words and judgements of others – you can begin to remove the negative emotions that are associated with those negative words.

 There is nothing wrong with or when you become comfortable with your authentic self.  We must not allow the judgement of those who are not accepting of the differences in people to dictate our lives.  If we allow these judgemental people to dictate what is right or wrong based on their religious beliefs with other people, then we better start lining everyone up to receive judgment.

This video is perfect in explaining how we are all the same and that whatever hurts we feel are all the same.

May you all free your true and authentic selves from your closets and live the life that you were meant to be.  Love, light, happiness and joy to all of you!


Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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