Can we be spiritual and speak out against the things we believe to bring pain and misery to people and animals?  Are people who strive to remove negativity from their lives able to engage in discussions or debates about the injustices around them?  I have and continue to struggle with the idea that I try to inspire others to remove negativity from their lives yet share stories that are sometimes not so positive.  Is this a contradiction of sorts?

Simply put – we have to address the issues that are not so happy or positive to talk about in order to help resolve whatever negative issue it is.  I have received messages/comments on various social media indicating “Why do you post such cruel or negative stories?” or “Some of pictures you post are really offensive and violent.”  I believe, that I have an obligation to be as truthful as I can about the issues that I am passionate about.  I would rather be blatant about these issues in order for people to understand the importance of a certain message.  We can’t be passionate about fighting climate change without understanding the devastation or impact that climate change will have on our planet.  You can’t speak of animal rights without seeing or hearing the abuse animals endure in our for us to eat or wear them.  We can’t act on human rights issues if we don’t have empathy for those who are facing those issues with threat of imprisonment, violence or even death.

I am shocked in knowing how many people were more enraged about Miley Cyrus’s MTV performance than the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case.  We have become so desensitized to the issues that we should be enraged about and enraged about the issues that shouldn’t matter at all.  If we managed to turn off our televisions long enough – how many of us would realize that television is just a means of distraction, a means to keep people pre-occupied from thinking – instead, they are told what to buy, eat, drink, smoke, visit, do, say, etc…and they really believe it.  Imagine if we kept our televisions turned off long enough to engage in conversation and to listen to one another and come up with solutions to the issues we should be concerned about.  Forget about Miley Cyrus and her MTV performance – you would not know of it if you were volunteering at the local animal shelter or soup kitchen.

Don’t get me wrong – sometimes, it’s okay not to care, it’s okay to have a day where we can be silly and not have to worry about a thing.  So what is a happy medium?  I believe that we have an obligation to act and to become involved in the issues that are causing so many grief and misery.  Ignorance is not bliss.  Our ignorance has allowed financial institutions to reap the rewards of their greed.  It has allowed our corrupt governments to create legislation that benefit corporations and not the constituents that have elected them.  Our ignorance has allowed us to be indifferent to the abuse animals endure for fashion and food.  Our ignorance (and lack of involvement) has given our governments free rein to control us with fear and a false sense of security and we need to WAKE UP.

It is time for action now because:

  • We are running out of fresh water and clean air.
  • The food we are consuming is killing us and keeping us sick.
  • Government is not working on our behalf.
  • Corporations are influencing legislation.
  • Media/Government/Corporations are dictating what we do, say, eat, drink, etc.
  • We don’t need another Wal-Mart/McDonald’s/Burger King/KFC/Kelsey’s/Home Depot/housing development/etc.
  • Prescription drugs shouldn’t be an answer to health care.
  • We only have THIS planet.

So – is it better to go through life as a zombie and to be told what YOU should be doing, saying, or buying?  Or is it time to WAKE UP, turn off the televisions (and whatever else is a means of distraction) and take action.  It is time to fight for clean air, healthy food, policies for the greater good of humanity and for LOVE.  What is more spiritual than having the need and desire to create positive change in the world?

It is time for action and for a REVOLUTION OF LOVE!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!


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