I will miss your zest for life and our walks.

I will miss how you snuggled between Jason and I as we slept.

I will miss how you commanded our attention.

I will miss how you were accustomed to eating your food and playing at the same time.

I will miss how you pawed at Jason or I whenever you needed a walk, food or to go to the bathroom.

I will miss your energy.

I will miss that little white spot on your nose.

I will miss you my beautiful and wonderful pet.

What I will not miss – are the wonderful memories you left and gave to Jason and myself.  Like the time you won ‘cutest dog certificate’ or your first swim in Barrie, or how you loved to stick your head out the window while we drove.  My beautiful boy – you will forever be in my heart.  Like our Freddy – you are one with the universe and you both will never be forgotten.

RIP – Bradley

Path To Love

Bradley, Jason and Rob

Jason, Rob and Bradley


Freddy (Bradley’s daddy)