What would our world look like if everyone believed that we are reflections of each other?  Would we be kinder to one another?  Why do we allow ego to dictate all that we do and think?  Can we un-learn the things that we thought to be truth?  Loaded questions with simple answers.


Showing kindness is not hard to do at all.  There are many ways you can show kindness; buy someone a coffee, give someone a compliment, buy lunch for a complete stranger, hold open a door, say ‘thanks’ and mean it.  Always treat everyone you the same way you would like to be treated.  Smile, laugh, be happy, live and breathe kindness and those around you will respond the same way and send the same kindness you show into the universe.


Give love and show love in everything you say or do.  Many people say “I hate my job”, “I am not a morning person”, “I hate that person”…..change these thoughts to love.  Wake up and tell yourself you will love this day and you will love your job and you will love everyone you meet.  You will be amazed at how positive and great you day will be in changing ‘hate thoughts’ to ‘love thoughts’.


Take another look at everything around you and appreciate its’ beauty.  Don’t look at something with disgust and hate.  Appreciate the beauty of the sky and the air that allows you to breathe.  Appreciate the beauty of the trees and grass, of people walking their pets in the park, a cat sitting in front of a window, the laughter of children’s joy, the food that you eat….See everything with new eyes and know that everything is beautiful and a reflection of what YOU are!


Respect everyone’s differences and appreciate those differences – see what you can learn from each others differences.  Respect the planet – it gives us all life, air, clean water and beauty.  Love it and respect it.  Respect the animals on this planet and treat them as you would treat yourself – show them love, respect and kindness and appreciate their beauty.

It is so easy to become distracted and fall into a negative vibration – what you have to teach yourself is to ignore those negative vibrations and align yourself with the vibration of love and kindness.  We were all born from love and kindness but have lost our way from that vibration.  Meditate and ask Source/God/Universe to help you get reconnect to the love vibration.

Let LOVE, KINDNESS, BEAUTY and RESPECT be the attributes that allow you to move towards a more positive vibration.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!