How is it that society managed to allow 85 billionaires to possess the wealth of more than 1/2 the population of the planet?  Not only is that fact making hurting my brain but the justification that wealthy people make regarding this statistic, watch and listen to this:

Let me just add to what Amanda Lang is debating with Mr. O’Leary – How often or realistic does someone living in poverty have the chance to become a billionaire.  That isn’t a reality for most people living in poverty.  Why?  The lack of education – most of these people are having a tough time putting food into their mouths, let alone have the luxuries to watch O’Leary’s version of motivation.  The poor lack the resources that would allow them to become financially independent – the poverty is already a disadvantage.  Does O’Leary believe that poor people can just imagine becoming financially independent and voila – they become rich?  Let’s face it – poor people don’t have direct access to the things that can help motivate them in becoming financially independent let alone billionaires.  They don’t have access to great education, good nutrition, positive motivation, role-models, technology, etc…especially when governments are treating many of these basic necessities and rights that everyone should have as a business.  Poor people can’t receive a good education, health care, proper nutrition and even clean water because it all costs money.  Governments are working for corporations who amass all their money – money that gives them power to control government and power to control people.

What if we demanded change NOW – what if we demanded free education, free health care, a better government and a chance for everyone to have the same opportunities?  The current system isn’t working for everyone, it is only working for those who already have money and power.  The ‘old way’ isn’t working.  It is time for the people to stand up and demand that our governments work for the people and for the issues that we care for.  We don’t want to go fight to protect the best interests of greedy corporations.  We don’t want to bully other countries to believe that our way of life (consume, want, materialism) is the only way.  We want to fight for a future where we have clean water, clean air to breathe, good food to eat, and a planet that is not on the brink of environmental catastrophe.

I live in Canada – The official languages are English and French.  I don’t believe that I speak to only the English or only to the French (even though I don’t speak French) when I say this:  I can run this country better than our current Prime Minister because I would be inclusive and listen to the majority and not just those who have all the money.  I would fight to save our land, I would outlaw fracking, drilling for oil, coal and encourage companies to invest in renewable and sustainable energy.  I would ensure all citizens have access to the same health care.  I would promote local and organic farming.  I would install harsh punishments on those who commit atrocious acts against animals.  I would ensure that members of parliament were governing based on policies and not religious beliefs.  I would cut tuitions to ensure education was accessible to all – Education is NOT a business, it is a right every person should have access to.

What if doing all of these things give everyone the same advantage – what if everyone was on the same playing field…..would there still be this huge financial inequality?  What O’Leary needs is a dose of reality – he needs to experience the lives of those who live in poverty.  He needs to experiment what it is like to live in the slums of India or Brazil – see how long he can last without his precious millions.   The only comfort he will have, is knowing that he has the ability to go back to his life of luxury – most of the people living in poverty will never even experience 1% of that luxury.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 

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