We really attract what we put out into the universe – THIS IS TRUE!!!  Think about how your day is going – have people been kind, happy and supportive with you or have they been mean, angry and irritable?  Usually, the mood of those around you is a reflection of how you are feeling – so if you are feeling sad, withdrawn, irritable, angry, hurt or annoyed, CHANGE THE WAY YOU FEEL!!!!

Don’t worry about how others are feeling and how they are affecting your mood – CHANGE THEIRS!!!  If someone is curt or rude – smile and wish them nothing but positive energy and love.  Smile, laugh and stay positive and that is what you will attract.

Do something nice for a complete stranger – buy lunch for the person behind you.  Buy someone a coffee, tell someone they look great, tell someone they have a beautiful smile or just be courteous, friendly and nice.  Share your love, share you smile and share your positive energy and all will be well in your world!

"Burning Love"

“Burning Love”

“Burning Love” oil painting by Robert Pavao (copies available upon request – via

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!