LOVE or POSSESSIONS? What Matters Most To You?

2014 has officially started.  It is time to live in the moment and to enjoy what life has to offer.  It is time to look at our lives and assess and ask ourselves, what is it that is really important for us.  We are so influenced by what others think or what society deems is important to have.  We are told what to eat, where we should work, what we should have in order to be happy and who we should love.  Why not forget all that and think for ourselves?  Remove the distractions – the televisions, the magazines, the newspapers, the superficial friends and the influence of big corporations.  Really think for ourselves!  Do we really need to live in the biggest and most expensive house?  Do we really need to drive the biggest SUV?  Do we really need to have a television in each room?  For what?  Our possessions mean nothing when our lives are limited to the time we have on this planet.  So – what is it that is really important to you?  Material possessions or time spent with people you love.  People who encourage, support and love you.  How about spending time reconnecting to the planet – offering your service and compassion to assist in its healing?  How about not buying or consuming anymore for yourself and helping those who are in dire need, those who need food, clothing, shelter and love?

2014 doesn’t only have to be about meeting our financial or materialistic goals – it could also be about giving back and allowing ourselves to feel good about giving back and making positive change in our world.  Instead of walking past, ignoring and making judgments on that homeless person on the street, why not change your feeling by either giving that person a blanket, clothing, food or even some money?  Instead of buying another television or any other materialistic thing you don’t require and making a donation to an environmental advocacy group like WWF or Greenpeace.  Instead of spending money going out to a restaurant or club – why not donate your money to a non-profit organization that saves the lives of so many animals like PETA or PAWS?

Life isn’t about consuming more and more materialistic objects – these things don’t define us.  What really defines us is our actions.  I remember a time were the only thing that mattered in my life was having a job that we allow me the financial freedom to buy a big house, a great car and all the materialistic possessions I wanted.  I grew up and realized that these things would not give me the satisfaction and happiness that I needed.  Giving back and advocating for the things that were important to me is what really matters to me and the things that matter most are animals, the planet and the well-being of those who struggle with their sexuality (LGBTQ).  This doesn’t mean that I am ignorant to the plight of so many others – I just want to ensure I focus on the things that matter most to me.

We keep hearing about those who have everything (the top 1%) and that they can end hunger with the amount of money that they have amassed.  The reality of the 1% is that they obviously do not want to see a better world.  They like the power and control they have over the masses.  We must ensure that we continue spreading the message that all humans have the right to the basic necessaties of life; food, clothing and shelter.  We must continue our REVOLUTION OF LOVE and spread positivity into our world – only then will we be able to heal our planet, respect our animals and respect each other.  So what really matters for you in 2014, feeling good about yourself by being compassionate, loving and giving back to the planet and society or by creating more wealth and greed for those that wish to control and distract us from being our authentic loving selves?

Here is brief video that puts our need for materialistic things into perspective entitled “It All Goes Back Into The Box”:

May the year bring you all love, compassion and health!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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