Here are some great ‘coming out’ videos……..enjoy and celebrate the diversity in everyone!

And here are some of those who don’t want people to be treated equally both due to the biases they hold regarding those who are born different from them:

Joy Behar makes a great point as I have said many times before – if ‘gays’ can pray the gay away – couldn’t straight people pray the straight away???? 

Bryan Fischer makes false statements and uses debunked research about homosexuality and same-sex families.

This is what the anti-gay legislation in Russia (and anywhere) leads to – violence against people who are deemed different because of being born gay and based on religious bias.  These kidnaps are becoming more common due to countries openly stating that ‘homosexuality is an abomination’.

People need to come together to fight against those who continue to repress those who they consider to be different from the “normal”…..being born black, a woman, or with a preference to the same-sex is not receive to incite violence against them.  People continue to hide behind their religious doctrines to incite this violence and to perpetuate this cycle of ignorance.   Think about this – what would you do if this was your friend or son, your daughter, your brother or sister or even your mother or father?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!




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