Are we tired yet?  Are we going to continue to keep walking around with no regard for what is taking place on this planet?  Corporations are raping the earth of its natural resources, governments are siding with big corporations, citizens around the world are being bullied not to speak out, we are constantly being poisoned by GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), food that lacks proper nutrition, fluoride in our water, and pesticides in our food.  We are brainwashed by media to do and believe everything they say.  We are held hostage by the automobile and oil industry so that we can’t move forward with cars that will only save people money and decrease our carbon footprint.  Finally, we are drugged and kept in a haze by big pharmaceutical companies that make you believe that their drugs are the only things keeping you alive and well when they are only keeping your mind cloudy and in a constant state of haze.

Corporations raping the earth of its natural resources/governments siding with big corporations 

On September 18th, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise was involved in a peaceful protest at Gazprom’s Prirazlomnaya platform, which is expected to become the first to produce oil from ice filled Arctic seas.  Over a day later, the Russian Coast Guard boarded the ship and seized the crew at gunpoint. The ship was then towed to the port of Murmansk.  The crew of the Arctic Sunrise were held without charge during this time.  28 Greenpeace International activists, as well as a freelance videographer and a freelance photographer, have now been charged with piracy and hooliganism, charges which carry a maximum sentence of 15 and 7 years, respectively.
Why have world governments not acted to ensure the freedom of these heroes?  Why are they allowing Russia to continue to hold these peaceful protestors for defending and protecting our planet yet, allow the corporations free reign over water and land that requires protection?  The reason – big corporations and governments are working together to ensure the right governments are being elected so that legislation is created to allow these companies to do whatever/wherever they please.
Here is a timeline of what happened in the Arctic and to the peaceful protestors to the current timeline, speak out and let your voice be heard:  http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/news/features/From-peaceful-action-to-dramatic-seizure-a-timeline-of-events-since-the-Arctic-Sunrise-took-action-September-18-CET/
A massive oil pipeline project threatens the very heart of the Great Bear. It will destroy the cultural, ecological, and economic values of this region and it is a big step back from the hard work done to manage and safeguard this global treasure.
How do we continue to allow oil companies to build pipelines that could potentially create more environmental disasters – haven’t we seen enough?  It is time for the people to demand action and legislation for sustainable energy.  We must end the ‘old school’ mentality and belief that dirty oil is the only way.  It isn’t.  Here is what ‘dirty oil’ is creating:
Citizens around the world are being bullied not to speak out
New York City – September 2011
Egypt – August 2013
Toronto (G20) – 2010
Istanbul, Turkey – 2013
We are constantly being poisoned by GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), food that lacks proper nutrition, fluoride in our water, and pesticides in our food
Brainwashed by media/media control
We are held hostage by the automobile and oil industry so that we can’t move forward with cars that will only save people money and decrease our carbon footprint
We are drugged and kept in a haze by big pharmaceutical companies that make you believe that their drugs are the only things keeping you alive and well when they are only keeping your mind cloudy and in a constant state of haze
The war on the middle classed and poor
It seems to me that we are not proactive in our approach to any ‘hot button’ topics.  Instead of arguing why ‘solar power’ isn’t going to work – why not test the theory that it may.  Instead of allowing criminals to continue to rob citizens of the world from their hard-earned money – why not penalize them and throw them in jail for their crimes?  Instead of allowing BIG OIL to suck all of the oil from every inch of the planet – why not trust the brilliance of those who know that other and more sustainable energy is the way to go?  We need to be proactive about our health too and stop relying on BIG PHARMA to heal us from psychological diseases such anxiety, depression and ADHD because the PHARMA drugs are only masking the issue.
WE NEED A REVOLUTION – of love and compassion.  WE NEED TO WAKE-UP and stop being slaves to governments and corporations that only have their best interests at hand.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 

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