I can’t imagine how I would feel if I was told that I had terminal cancer.  There would be much to think about in terms of preparation to fight for my life.  I am very adamant about using natural foods and remedies to cure any ailment but would I feel the same if I was told that the only way to live would be to have chemotherapy and radiation – I would have to say yes.

My sister has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is emotionally strong but has indicated that the diagnoses and treatment was very hard to deal with.  She recently had her last chemotherapy session and is gearing up for the onslaught of radiation.  I know that both these treatments are hard on the body and the immune system but I am also aware of the power of the mind.  Chemo and radiation may not be a good alternative for myself and many others but if people (like my sister) believe that it will help them heal or even cure them, so be it.  I am also aware that cancer (even terminal) can be cured through natural and holistic methods. 

One of my favorite stories of cancer survival is the story of one of my favourite spiritual writers – Louise L. Hay, who is a cervical cancer survivor.  Here are two other cancer surviving stories where both individuals refused modern-day treatments (chemo/radiation) and opted for a more natural and holistic way to battle their terminal cancers:

CHRIS WARK (survived stage 3 colon cancer)

You can find out more about Chris and how you survived cancer by visiting his website/blog at:

CARL HELVIE (longest living lung cancer survivor)

What we put into our bodies will have either a positive or negative effect on our health.  I hear so many people who say “I know someone who was very healthy, exercised everyday, didn’t eat meat, never drank alcohol and never smoked and passed away”.  My only rebuttal is “that is very rare”.  People who live a healthy lifestyle are not dropping dead without cause and not nearly as much as those who engage in behaviours that is not healthy for the body.  

We should also never under-estimate the power of our minds.  If you think and believe that you can beat or overcome something – you will!  If you think positively, meditate, chant, say positive affirmations, exercise and eat foods that are healthy and nutritious, the body will respond in kind. 

***Please noteThis blog post is not meant as a deterrent for chemotherapy and radiation treatments.  This is only meant to educate people on different and more holistic treatments to cancer.  I am not offering any medical advice what-so-ever.  Treatment for cancer is a personal choice and individuals should consult with medical physicians, holistic health-care practitioners or other health-care professionals to make an informed decision on what treatment would be best for them.***

For more about Louise L. Hay, please visit her website at:

 Together we can make the world a more positive one!