What reputation do our politicians have?  I can only speak of Canada and the United States because it is the policies of these countries that I hear most about.  Politicians in our continent are engaged in scandals that would make a celebrity blush.  There are stories of greed, sex scandals, politicians getting kickbacks from big corporation, the lack of accountability, over-spending, war and not working for the individuals who hired them.  I know what I elected my politicians for, and it wasn’t to bail out banks, allow oil companies to drill the earth dry, allow developers to destroy the earth’s natural resources at an alarming rate and to keep people oppressed, depressed and paranoid.

So – what would I do as a policy maker?  Great question with a simple answer.

1.  I would focus on legislation that would help those who are suffering because of out-dated policies that just do not work.  I would work very hard to garner the publics trust by REALLY listening to their needs.  I know that people who have money don’t need as much help as those that do – it’s really simple and that easy.

2.  You want jobs – I would  give incentives to companies that find sustainable alternatives to those things that contribute to climate change.  I would demand solar, wind and other sustainable ways to find climate change.  I demand that car companies to stop making automobiles that leave a carbon footprint and use ‘dirty oil’ and, I would ask them to make them affordable.

3.  Religion and politics don’t mix.  I would ensure that my policies were based on the greater good of the people and not because of certain religious beliefs.  God doesn’t run a country – the people do.  If you want to pray, you can pray at your church, synagogue, mosque and house.  There is no place for religion in politics.

4.  Everyone receives that same health care……people shouldn’t be dying because they can’t afford medicine that can save their lives.  I would also ask doctors to promote preventative care – such as proper diet, nutrition, exercise and natural ways to cure ailments before they prescribe pharmaceuticals.

5.  I would ensure that BIG OIL stop drilling immediately.  This will make people realize that THERE ARE other ways to power the provide us with power that do not have such a negative impact on our earth.

6.  I would protect existing forests, lakes, oceans and rivers.

7.  I would ban guns – unless you were in the military, you would not own or have a gun.  This would include police.

8.  No hunting – Why do we have so many animals on the endangered species list?  We lack respect for our environment, the planet and the animals that were here long before us.  We are crowding into their space and they become displaced.

9.  Everyone would have the same opportunity in terms of education.  It would be affordable and everyone would be taught the same.  It would be mandatory to include meditation, proper nutrition and essential life skills (what is a mortgage, the proper use of credit cards, how to invest, how to save money) as part of the curriculum.

10.  I would ensure that no-one travels to places that are advertised in travel companies as “10 Places to see before they disappear” – they include:  Glacier National Park, Galapagos Islands, The Great Barrier Reef, The Dead Sea, The Alps, Madagascar, The Congo Basin.  The only way you would be able to travel to these places is to help in their sustainability.  Here is a link as to why I would ban travel to these places:  http://dailyinfographic.com/10-places-to-see-before-theyre-gone-infographic

11.  I would promote a culture that understands the implications of over-population.  I would encourage the use of contraceptives and give incentives to parents who adopt children rather than having them.

12.  Committing a crime against an animal would have the same implications as if you were committing the same crime on a human.  A life is a life.

13.  The debate on abortion would end.  Politics has no business on any women’s right to choose what she does to her body.

14.  I would allow and give incentives to developers who focus on building sustainable communities – communes, organic gardens, community living, local farming, etc.

15.  Ban the use of pesticides and genetically modified foods (unless the GMO’s have had long-term and positive studies). 

If other politicians decide they can’t handle these policies that all people would benefit from – I would ask them to leave my government.  We are living in a moment of history were debates and talk must stop and we must take action.  It is time to seriously look at new ideas and politicians must stop creating legislation based on what and how they can benefit from.  It is time that the people hold their politicians accountable for their actions – this has worked in other countries, we must make it work here.  I am confident that positive change will come – especially if our leaders are thinking for the greater good of the planet and its inhabitants and not the “almighty dollar”.

Together we can make the world a more positive one!

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