There was a point in my life when my thoughts were clouded by the distractions of media, consumerism, alcohol, violence, fear, anxiety, anger and hate.  I felt like there was always a dark cloud above my head – even though the sun was shining bright.  I lacked confidence in myself and lacked the courage to be and live my true authentic self.  I was too caught up in what my friends and family would think of me instead of just believing in myself and being happy.  For me, my lesson was to learn how to accept and love myself then try to remove the dark cloud that followed me.  I did learn to love myself – authentically and not what religion or those around me thought about what love was.  My lessons will continue because they are ongoing and for life.  Thus far, I have learned that living a life with compassion, non-judgement and love removes the fears, anxious feelings, hate and anger.  I have also learned that success isn’t measured by how big my house is, or having the best car or the most money – those materialistic things mean nothing after we are gone.  My journey thus far, has allowed me to learn (and continue to learn) about my increased passion for the environment, the planet and animals.  I have also learned that there is so much corruption from our governments and big corporations to keep us all distracted so that we don’t see the real issues.  I have learned that the old saying “What you don’t know, won’t hurt you” is a complete joke because without knowledge, how do you know what will or will not hurt you?

Without knowledge – do we just accept what information is being fed to us?  Do we just believe the advertisements on television or in print?  Is convenience robbing us from our own health and welfare?  Who do we blame?  What do we do and how do we do it?  First – you turn off your televisions, then you think about what the food, household products, technology, etc…is doing to you and how they make you feel.  Really think about the state of our planet – fresh water and green space, do we need that much development?  Are you ready to remove the dark clouds of distraction about your head and begin to see clearly?

Governments and big corporations rely on our lack of knowledge and inaction.  This will insure they continue their destructive behaviour.  If we have the knowledge that ‘dirty oil’ is a huge culprit in climate change – why are we not more motivated to protest?  If we know that processed foods kill us, why are we not demanding healthier foods?  If you know that pesticides are wreaking havoc on our soil, drinking water and our health, why do we continue using them?  We are more motivated to trample people to death during holiday sales then challenge our government on their policies.  We are more affected by a royal birth than demanding that the automobile industry create greener cars.  We are more concerned about when the next big gadget is released rather than hold the pharmaceutical companies accountable for the prescription drug addiction that has clouded the nation.  Yes, life is difficult – and mindless television is a great distraction to all the violence, hate, bigotry and corruption that is going on in our world but what is even worse, is our lack of action to stop the violence, hate, bigotry and corruption.

I don’t know where my advocacy and passion for the planet, our environment, animals and human rights will take me, but I’m certainly grateful that I have removed the dark cloud of distraction above my head.  Don’t get me wrong, that cloud is powerful and has attempted to lure me back, but I am now armed with that knowledge and know that this blog is the only the beginning to spreading truth and creating positive change in our world.  Help me strengthen the Coalition of Positive Energy into a movement to create positive change everywhere in the world.  Spread the word, spread the love.


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