Is it our purpose in life to be slaves to consumerism and BIG corporations?  Are we supposed to go through most of our life getting educated, building a career and then striving to buy the biggest and the best we can buy?  Are we born into this world to be told what we must do, what we must be or what we must have to be successful and happy?  WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE and will you purpose inspire and create positive change in our world?

Many people are happy living their lives without wanting anything more than what they have.  For example, someone may have two jobs and work really hard to enjoy the little time off when they are not working.  Others work so hard because their jobs demand that of them and have no time for themselves or their families.  Is this our purpose to work so hard just to make ends meet?  Can we truly be happy trying to climb the corporate ladder in order to try to make a name for ourselves?

I find that many of us are almost forced to find ‘the perfect job’ and to work hard in obtaining that job.  We first go to elementary school to learn the basics (reading, writing, arithmetic),  then we are shuffled to high school and secondary school to explore what our interests may be so that we can build a foundation on what our careers may be.  Finally, we are told we require post-secondary education to teach us the theory behind what we choose as a career.  I don’t ever remember anyone instructing me to choose a career based on what I love to do.  I believe we are pressured when we are given these guidelines to ensure we find a career that may potentially bring us financial stability versus following your passion and being happy.

So, what is my purpose in life?  It’s exactly what I am doing now.  I’m writing this blog to inspire people to look at their own lives so that they can make changes to ensure they create positive change in the world.  I am advocating for the issues that I believe in – the environment (because without one we can’t be here), animals (they can’t speak, so I will speak up for them) and for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer community to ensure we have the same rights as everyone else.  Being passionate about these things allows me to share information that other people may not have been aware about which may inspire them to do something about.

How do we find our purpose?  All you have to do is look within – ask yourself what do you care most about and find a way to incorporate that into your life.  Your passion may start as a hobby and grow from there.  Let your inner voice guide you – think about the moments in your life that have had a profound affect on you.  Think about the things that invoke an emotional response within in.  These feelings and emotions should be your guide to helping you live life through your passion.  When you listen to your inner voice, the universe will respond and send you subtle messages to follow your passions. 

The passion I have for the environment, animals and human rights has enlightened me and given me a purpose to create positive change into the world.  It has ignited a spark in me that can never be diminished and will continue to grow brighter.  Have you ignited your spark?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one! 

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