Many of us have our personal views on social and political issues.  Some people dislike debating or discussing politics and religion because they find it too personal.  Personally, I enjoy debating any social, political or religious topics – I don’t mind sharing my views with others as long as they are open-minded and understand that my views are not intended to judge those of others.  Here are some examples:

On animal advocacy

I sometimes share videos on various social media outlets advocating for the ethical treatment of animals….some videos are a little graphic.  Some people are thankful and appreciate these videos because they didn’t have that specific awareness.  Others become angry and offended that I have shared this graphic material.  Some people have made comments that the material I shared is inappropriate….yet, they don’t believe that some of the information they share is completely clear of offending others.

On being a vegetarian (and then vegan) 

After becoming vegetarian and later vegan – I realized that my passion for the ethical treatment of animals and my veganism were directly connected.  How can I eat pork/beef/fish/cheese and any other animal products knowing that many of them have gone through tremendous horrors to end up on my plate.  I  was reminded daily of how beautiful, smart and funny animals could be by my pets Freddy and Bradley.  They reinforced my desire to try my best to be as kind as possible to animals.  Again, I would share videos/recipes/pictures of foods I eat and what some animals endure in order to end up on our plates……..quickly the responses came.  I would get messages like:  you have leather shoes, humans are meant to eat meat, you can’t survive without meat, you will have blood deficiencies without meat, etc.  I also noticed people making jokes about vegans or would post pictures of their meat dishes and stating ‘I LOVE BACON’.  I didn’t understand why so many people would become enraged that I wanted to share my information without any judgements and only to create awareness.  The information I post is not to spite people and what they choose to do, it is to give information to people who may have not had that information before. 


I believe there is a divine presence – something bigger than all of us.  Some call that presence God, Allah, Jesus, Mohammed, Jah, etc….That is great.  If the purpose of this presence is to create unconditional love and compassion into the world – then I’m okay with that.  The minute someone uses religion to justify their ignorance, bias, hate and violence – then I am lost to religion.  Many people around the world site religion to ensure others don’t receive the same recognition (under the law) as they do (women’s rights, civil rights, gay rights).  Religion and politics are separate entities – your religious beliefs should not dictate how you vote or who you vote for because those beliefs are not reflective of everyone.  If AIDS or unwanted pregnancies and abortion are issues we want to prevent, why are some religious institutions so against condom use? (Just one example).


The only things I have to say on politics is that YOUR member of parliament is no better than MINE is.  Politics today has become a side-show and a stepping stone for members of parliament to work for big oil, big corporations, banks and pharma.  Our parliaments are not a representation of the people – it’s a representation of those with the most money.  Democracy is a bit of a joke when there are only 2 political party choices (in most cases).  This may sound like it’s a democracy but it’s only a choice between two parties that mainly have the same agenda – work for those who have the most money and ensure they are taken care of.


We only have one planet – WAKE UP PEOPLE and demand sustainable energy.  It can and has been done.  If you don’t believe in climate change and that humans are responsible because of our dependency on fossil fuels – than you are working for big oil, the auto industry or just don’t give a shit.

I believe that we are all entitled to our opinions.  I also believe that we have common sense and know what is right and was is wrong but we just keep making excuses not to have to face the issue head-on.  I also believe that many people just don’t want to care because the alternative is too much for them and they may not be able to handle that type of reality.  There is also scientific proof – evidence that things have/or have not happened, that food is good or bad for you, that medication may/may not be good for you but many people choose not to believe that evidence. 

Dialogue is good – I may learn things from others that I may not have known before, this is the intention I have when I share information on this blog and on other social media outlets.  I believe that with debate/dialogue, people can resolve issues that will create a positive resolution for the world community.  If we are not open to the opinions of others – than there is no room for discussion and no room to create positive change and I believe…………..

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!