How many of us really take a proactive approach to health?  Most of us usually take action when we begin to feel ill or are ill in order to seek relief.  Why don’t we become more proactive in our health and try to prevent the illnesses instead of treating them?  One of the best ways to combat illness is proper nutrition and regular exercise.  If the body is being fed foods that help it work at its optimal level, your chances of becoming ill will decrease. 

Many of us make excuses about feeding our bodies the proper food/nutrients, people will say:  “It’s too expensive”, “it tastes bland”, “I don’t know where to buy them”, “I don’t know how to cook them”, “why bother they won’t do anything anyway”….etc.  Well, let me just say this – would you rather continue feeding your body foods that have been laced with pesticides, hormones and other chemicals?  Would you rather continue making those fast-food CEO’s richer knowing that they are poisoning you and your children?  Do you want to continue buying foods that have no nutritional benefit to your body?  I am sure you don’t.

Here are some of my favorite foods and some of the health benefits they promote:


  • antioxidant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • prevents cancer
  • detoxifies
  • provides cardiovascular support

You can add kale to your salad to ensure its optimal nutritional benefits in its raw form.


  • anti-inflammatory
  • antioxidant
  • can enhance detoxification
  • prevents cancer
  • digestive support
  • cardiovascular support

Broccoli is best raw – add it to your salad or slightly sauté in a stir fry.


  • antioxidant
  • great for bone health
  • anti-inflammatory
  • prevents cancer

Spinach can add another dimension and flavour to your salads.  Sauté it and add it to your stir fry or serve it as a side for breakfast.


  • rich in copper, magnesium and calcium
  • copper provides relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • magnesium supports cardiovascular and respiratory health
  • calcium prevents colon cancer, osteoporosis, migraine and PMS

Another great addition to your salad.


  • cardiovascular support
  • antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • prevents cancer
  • great for digestive health
  • may help with post-menopausal symptoms (hot flashes)

You can grind flax seeds into a powder for greater absorption and add to salads, pasta’s and soups.


  • promotes heart health
  • wide range of anti-inflammatory benefits
  • supports cardiovascular health
  • promotes blood sugar regulation
  • anti-cancer benefits

Avocado is great on toast, wraps, fajitas and in salads.


  • supports cardiovascular health
  • anti-cancer benefits
  • prevents type 2 diabetes

Tofu is excellent as a sandwich, in salads, crumbled for breakfast and in a stir fry.

8  SEA VEGETABLES to incorporate into your diet

  1. Arame
  2. Nori
  3. Kombu
  4. Wakame
  5. Hijiki
  6. Dulse
  7. Agar
  8. Kelp

Here are some benefits of the above-mentioned sea vegetables:

  • prevent aging and chronic disease
  • lower cholesterol
  • solve mineral deficiencies
  • detoxify your body from heavy metals, environmental pollutants and carcinogens
  • help control the growth of pathogenic viruses, candida, and pathogenic bacteria
  • balance thyroid function
  • fight constipation

*for more information about sea vegetables such as; where to buy, how to cook, etc – please visit:

Take a proactive approach to your health by ensuring your body receives the proper nutrients it requires.  Listen to what your body is telling you – are you fatigued, do you constantly suffer from migraines, do your joints ache – your body is indicating that you are suffering from some form of deficiency.  Notice what you are putting into your body and how you feel shortly afterwards – are you bloated, sluggish, tired?  Food should not be making you feel like this, it should do the opposite by making you feel good and energized.

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a medical professional and am only offering information that may benefit your health. 


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