Have you ever done something or acted in a certain way to feel accepted or to fit in?  Do you copy the mannerisms of others or copy their clothing style?  If so, think about why you do it.  Are you not comfortable with your own identity or do you just conform to what everyone else is doing?

Prada, Fendi, Dior, Chanel, Gautier, Kors, Gucci…..are you a label whore?  Do you buy things because of the quality of the product or because of the brand name?  Do you know and understand what you are buying into when you purchase a product from a certain company or buy into a brand?  We have heard the stories how big corporations cut corners to ensure they meet their consumer demands – human rights issues, low wages for their factory workers and un-safe work conditions or the unethical treatment of animals for clothing/makeup/bags – but we keep supporting these companies.  Have you ever attempted to ask this corporation to stop this type of behaviour?  If the products are obtained on the hardships of other people or animals, why would you continue to support that brand by giving them more money so that they continue their abuse?

Here are some examples of what companies support:


Chief Executive (Bruce Wrobel) efforts to flatten a chunk of Cameroon’s dense rainforest to develop a palm oil plantation are borne of a desire to address a “dire humanitarian need”.  I’m sure it’s clearly for his desire to turn huge profits at the cost of Cameroon’s rainforest and ultimately, the planet’s environment.  (This project has since been suspended due to much protest).


Not only are these companies marketing their clothing to those they consider to be ‘desirable’ – they are toxic polluters.  They release hazardous chemicals into our water – how is that environmentally responsible. 


Using sweatshops in Bangladesh.  A few weeks ago over 300 workers lost their lives due to a buildings collapse.  People are working 13.5 hours a day, seven days a week for a maximum of .26 cents per hour.  Some say that closing these sweatshops would put these workers back on the streets – the issue isn’t about putting people out-of-work, it’s about creating a safe work environment where people are fairly compensated for the work that they do.   Would this happen in Canada, USA, France or Britain?  Absolutely not.


These fashion designers have blood on their hands for using real fur – if only they witnessed how that fur was obtained, maybe they would think twice:

Dolce & Gabbana, Donatella Versace, DSquared2, Fendi, Givenchy, Hermes, Gucci, Alfred Sung, Alexander McQueen, Annabella, Baby Phat, Bill Blass, Bob Mackie, Chanel, Christian Dior, Christian LaCroix, DKNY…..and many more, for a complete list to ensure you don’t support the cruel act of obtaining fur for fashion, please visit the following site:


Is our need for the latest gadget creating hardships for those that are assembling these products?  What about the environmental implications of creating so many of these products?  Are they recycled?  Here is a report on Apple’s human rights issues:


We live in a world that doesn’t appreciate individuality or uniqueness – BIG CORPORATIONS rely on their marketing campaigns to have the latest and coolest gadget.  They rely on the ‘  ignorant  consumer’ – they know that people are going to believe that their product is safe and will make your teeth whiter than ever before or that their latest handbag is trendy and fashionable, despite the cruel method in which it was made.  Consumers don’t think about the products they clean their homes with or flush down their toilets because they believe that these same products are okay because they are being sold.  These same products are destroying our environment – polluting our water and soil thereby polluting our food and eventually killing us.  Is our appearance that much more important than our planet?  Are the products we use in our homes really taking care of the bacteria the companies are fearing us into buying?

Do the products you buy say something about what type of person you are?  Yes they do.  Next time you pick up a cologne or perfume made by DKNY or Chanel – you are indirectly responsible for the suffering of countless animals.  You love that Gucci purse – I’m sure that alligator or snake that was skinned alive appreciates you showing you lack of respect for animals.  All you Abercrombie & Fitch clones out there – when you are 60 and are struggling to obtain clean water, just reach for your fashionable jeans and reminisce about how great you looked in them all for the sake of our water supply.

Being cool, different and unique is being yourself and not following the latest trends.  Being cool, different and unique is being compassionate to others, to the planet and showing respect for other living creatures.  Which are you – a zombie of BIG CORPORATIONS or an individual who is aware and educated about what you wear, who you buy and what you support?

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.