What happens when people protest against big corporation and government?  Chaos, violence, destruction and death.  I don’t understand how police are given orders to use violence against demonstrator’s of what began as a peaceful protest.  Here is brief synopsis of what transpired from a protester:


Here are some powerful images/video of what has been happening in Turkey since the initial protest:


Governments should not be able to bully its people into submission in order to accommodate big business.  Why tear down a park to build a shopping mall in a district that had more than enough shopping?  Money speaks – there is no revenue potential in green space.  Why have a park in the middle of a city when you can profit from create more of the same malls/housing developments? 

How much more greed and corporation can the people take from their governments?  When we do stand up – we are pepper sprayed or beaten – some beaten to death.  Why?  All because we don’t want those with all the money to dictate everything for their own personal gain.  Is civil unrest the way of the future?  Will we have to continue to fight governments and big business in order to make them listen to the needs of the people?  Are we willing to give our lives to fight corporate greed?  Are we willing to fight for freedom and democracy and stop letting governments work big business instead of its people?  YES WE SHOULD!

I stand behind the brave people of Turkey!  It is time that the people spoke up and demanded better for our future and for our planet.  STAND STRONG!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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