I don’t know how many times the LGBT community can say this:  We are not trying to recruit your sons and daughters, we don’t have a ‘gay agenda’, we are not being elected to push our ‘gay policies’, we are not teaching in schools to promote the ‘gay agenda’, we don’t want to have equal protection under the law in order to fuck the lives of heterosexuals up, we don’t want to enrol our children into the boy scouts so that they can ‘change’ the other boys, we are not trying to convert your sons and daughters and we don’t want to marry so that we can ruin yours.  What we want is to be treated like any other human being – THAT IS ALL!

When people such as Keith and Katherine Goode make stereotypical and ignorant comments about not wanting homosexuals in the Boy Scouts, what are they really afraid of?  What can a gay scout possible suggest or do to instil such fear in people?  In my 44 years – I have never heard of an institution/organization become less productive because they realized ‘gay people’ were part of that institution or organization.

The only advice I have for Keith and Katherine Goode is as follows:  If you don’t like gays and don’t want to live in a world that is inclusive of all people, than you probably should create a commune and shut the rest of the world from your lives.  Gay people exist.  You may have come across many of us in your daily lives, at the supermarket, at your gym, at work, in the park, at school, in a restaurant and even at church and you probably never even knew.  We exist and we no longer want to be pushed back into hiding – we want to live our lives just as you do, OUT and PROUD.  Also – if you are worried that your boys may be exposed to gays in the scouts, than you may want to remove them and let them believe that your ignorance is what acceptance, love and compassion is all about.

For those of you that are not familiar with why I am writing this blog, please watch this video of what Keith and Katherine Goode believe will happen should homosexuals be open and honest about who they are in the Boy Scouts:

According to this family – Gays are not as committed in terms of defending the constitution as heterosexuals.  We are not capable of being ‘morally straight’ – like so many heterosexuals are.  Gays are not capable of being physically strong and couldn’t possibly hike for miles like heterosexuals can and we are not capable of being mentally awake to provide first-aid care to someone who may need it because we are gay.  What???  Also – they are concerned with where ‘the gays’ will sleep on camping trips.  Really?

I am sad that Keith and Katherine Goode feel this way and are perpetuating their ignorance onto their children, hopefully their children will understand that they don’t have to believe the ignorance and prejudices their parents believe.  There is only hope.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!