Please take off the blinders and ACT NOW to save our environment, planet and humanity!  We must stop saying that we can’t take on the big oil corporations like Exxon, BP and Shell – but WE CAN!  Scientists have indicated that we must drastically cut our dependency on fossil fuels and we must do so in the next 5 years. 

Please watch and share this video with everyone you know….we all have an obligation to the planet to ask our government and oil companies to invest in sustainable energy that will SAVE OUR PLANET…..

This video shows us exactly what we can do to create positive and effective change in the world.  It is time to show the BIG OIL companies that we can hurt them were it counts – their bottom line.

For more information and to advocate for the planet on a grass-roots movement….please join

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.