Courtesy of Greenpeace.  Please visit their website and help fight for our environment and our planet.  http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/

Courtesy of WWF Canada.  Please visit their website and help fight for our environment and our planet.  http://www.wwf.ca

Isn’t it time we took a stand and do what must be done to save our planet?  We need to give our politicians a message and that message is we will not vote for you unless you make sustainable energy, the environment and saving the planet top priority.  We will not tolerate payoffs from BIG Corporation/oil/auto so that they can continue to destroy our planet.

Don’t support SHELL or the oil companies that are committing to drill for oil in the arctic or that do not want to invest in electric affordable vehicles.  Don’t support companies and corporations that don’t give back to the planet by trying to make products that don’t contribute to the destruction of our planet.  Don’t support corporations that are making you and your family sick with food that lacks nutrition and is causing an environmental catastrophe on the planet (KFC, McDonalds).

We need to do something now to clean our air and assure that we have enough water for future generations – WE CAN DO IT!  If we can put rovers on Mars – we can work towards healing our planet.  Are you ready?


What can you do?  Write your politicians and tell them you will not support them in the next election if they don’t make a drastic and more positive change towards environmental issues.  Buy local and organic foods.  Don’t buy plastic products.  If you do buy plastic bottles or cutlery – keep reusing them and don’t throw them out.  Make donations to WWF and Greenpeace by visiting their website to ensure they are able to continue to pressure world governments for green initiatives and to stop any and further destruction to our planet.  Collectively – each one of us could be instruments for positive change in the world or we can continue being ignorant.  Eventually, the destruction behaviour we are allowing on our planet will no longer be out of sight/out of mind.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!