One of the most talked about issues today is gay marriage and advocacy for equality for gays and lesbians in the United States of America and around the world.  Those who oppose it site religion, procreation and that it is not natural.  They also site that marriage is an institution between one man and one woman – well, that really isn’t true.  Some places in the United States and around the world allow a man to have more than one wife.  Many statistics indicate divorce is at an all-time high between ‘straight couples’.  

There are so many loving and committed gays and lesbians who want to marry and have the same federal benefits and that are on par with their heterosexual counterparts.  The institution of marriage is treated like a joke and it seems that many people are just using religion as an excuse to not allow gays and lesbians that are in committed and loving relationships to marry.  How is marriage sacred when you have people like Britney Spears marrying her best-friend (as a joke) and having it annulled a few days later?  Heterosexual couples never really thought about the sanctity of marriage until homosexuals advocated for their right to marry, all of a sudden, they took interest and are doing everything in their power to stop them from marrying.

I have been in a relationship with my partner for almost 20 years – we have been married for just over 6 years.  Our marriage has lasted longer than some of my siblings and some of my friends.  Our marriage didn’t disrupt anyone else’s lives – most people were supportive and thrilled about our marriage.  The only people making a big deal are those who cite religious passages and hide their bigotry behind religion.  I don’t understand how these people say “we accept our gay friends and love them but we don’t support gay marriage” – what is the issue?  If these people truly accepted their gay friends then they would be doing anything they could to advocate for their right to marry!  There should be no stipulations with acceptance – you can’t love and accept someone and then say they shouldn’t have the same federal right as you…..there is no such thing as ‘I accept you but, I don’t accept (insert subject here)’.

Those who oppose gay marriage are becoming a minority and that makes me feel great!!!!  It shows that times are changing and people are finally realizing that the only difference they have from gays and lesbians is their sexuality – nothing else is different.  The gay rights movement is very similar to the civil rights movement in terms of seeking equality and being recognized as a citizen in their country.  

I want to take the opportunity to thank all of our heterosexual friends and allies who stand by their gay and lesbian friends and accept them as part of humanity and treat them no different from any other person.  We love you!  Here are some of our allies and friends:










Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


  1. Pingback: Rules for Getting Married | Jeannine K. Vegh, M.A., I.M.F.T.

  2. Pingback: Marriage: Lost in Translation | Once Written

  3. I understand your argument. I’m all for gays and lesbians getting the same marital rights as a hetrosexual couple. I just think they are doing it the wrong way. You could compare trying to change the definition of marriage is like trying to change the chemistry of water. Water has a set chemical composition (H2O). You can change it’s inherent definition by only changing its chemical makeup. But then it wouldn’t be water anymore. Allowing gays and lesbians to define marriage as something between them, or their ‘right’ is an oxymoron.

    • Your water analogy is good but we are not talking about changing the composition of marriage…..heterosexuals can still get married! Nothing changes at all except that individuals of the same-sex are included in the definition of marriage. No damage done! The definition of marriage should be inclusive to all because after all, it is about 2 people in love who want to make a committment to one another – hopefully for the duration of their lives.

      Thank you for sharing your comments – love, light and positive energy to you and your family.


      • I have to respectfully disagree. The definiition of marriage in our society now is between a man and a woman. That is just the point, it should not be inclusive to just anybody who loves another person regardless of sex. A lot of damage has been done, according to the Catholic Church and others who have the same view. I’m all for 2 people of the same sex loving each other, but keep the work marriage out of the equation and you will satisfy both sides.

      • A lot of damage has been done to marriage….but it was not done by same-sex couples. As I wrote on my this blog post….the divorce rates for heterosexual couples are above 50%. It seems that heterosexual couples abuse the sanctity of marriage and create hostile situations for many of their children via divorce. I don’t want to bash religion or the Catholic Church but if you really are inclined to believe the Catholic Church then you are also aware of the sexual abuse scandals many of their priests are involved in. I really wouldn’t take the word of such a corrupt religious institution. Like many organized religions, there is much hypocrisy within their ranks and they have not evolved with the ever-changing views of most of our society. Love is love and people just have to accept that – when you take religion out of the equation, there can never be a problem.

        Love and respect to you.

  4. Pingback: Why Gay Marriage Has Nothing To Do With Equality | Dylan B. Raines

  5. Pingback: Why Gay Marriage Has Nothing To Do With Equality | Dylan Raines

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