Want, want, want, want…….How much more do we really need?  People are so much more worried about ‘wanting’ the latest gadget or acquiring the fastest car that they are forgetting that our world is in turmoil and requires healing.  If we keep demanding bigger, better, stronger and faster……..the planet will not be able to sustain that need and will eventually give up.  We should be doing our best to mend all the wounds that our demands have created on our planet – and we need to do it quickly and NOW.


Buy, buy, buy media whores out to the brainwashed public.

Need, need, need the corporations tell us with false promises.

How much more do we really need to buy?

How much more do we really – REALLY need?

Governments are bought by the corporations to perpetuate their greed.

They tell us that no money is to be made by going ‘greener’.

The ‘hippies’ fought and respected the planet while BIG OIL fought every step of the way.

Bigger, faster and stronger metal is what we need and what you want – so we will BUILD.

Leather shoes, leather gloves, leather car seats, leather jackets, fur coats, fur boots, fur scarfs – annihilation for animals.

More food, bigger portions, more waste and disease – animals carted to concentration and death camps.

Drug companies amassing huge profits by making people more sick for longer durations.

We don’t need to be educated about nutrition – eat all you want and eat more of it because drugs will keep you alive and in a zombie state.

Is your house too small?  That’s okay, we’ll clear-cut this forest to accommodate your desire for a bigger house.

No-one will care, we are developers and are contributing to the local economy – FUCK those hippies, we listen to demand and don’t care for the planet.

It is YOUR right to demand more and it is OUR right to supply.

Don’t worry yourself about the lies the hippies tell you – it is not credible.  Just buy it.

Worry about your family – as a matter of fact, have more children so that they can consume and want more to make us richer.

Don’t worry about our world being ‘over-populated’, we have enough water, land and animals to feed all of you.

Stay distracted by watching your bigger and brighter televisions – we depend so that you don’t ask any questions.

Buy, buy, buy media whores out to the brainwashed public.

Need, need, need the corporations tell us with false promises.

When the planet has had enough – there will be nothing more to buy and no more people to buy.


There is time for me to heal.

If I only heal myself, then I can heal the water, the air and earth.

There is time for me to heal.

If I only heal myself, than I will have clarity.

I will heal to help those who can’t help themselves.

I will heal to fight for GAIA.

Why should we allow future generations to suffer?

Why should the planet suffer?

We have the power – we have the people,

So why don’t we begin the journey to healing so that no-one else needs to suffer?

The planet is speaking to us but we are not listening.  I am not ready to live in a world or time only to say “we should have done that so long ago” or live in a society where people say “we should have listened to the ‘hippies’.”  We are not doing enough because we are not demanding enough.  The skeptics keep telling us that they can’t try greener technologies because the demand isn’t there.  That is not true – what they are really saying is that the MONEY and PROFIT is not there.  It is time for an uprising, a new revolution, a grass-roots movement that will resonate with the generations of the future.  A movement about necessity versus materialism.  Where people care about their well-being and sustainable living on our planet – if we are to have a planet.

No more ‘what if’s’ – it is time to just do.  Change begins with us.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.

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