I recently watched a film called ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, directed by John Madden and based on the book ‘These Foolish Things’ by Deborah Moggach.  The movie has 2 main story lines, the first follows a group of British pensioners that decide to move to a retirement hotel in India and the second follows the life of the young hotel owner – Sonny.

The movie indirectly asks us – how well do we adapt to change?  In the case of the pensioners – they reflect on the life they lived, what they are doing now and what they could be doing in the future.  It reflects on how the modern world ignores the contributions and the lives of elderly people today and the misconceptions younger people have about those who are ready to move onto the next chapter in their lives.  In our society, we automatically have a pre-conceived notion that once you reach a certain age that you are not capable of being independent.  Retirement is not the end – it’s the beginning of another journey and for those who are not open to take that journey, they will possibly miss some of the best moments in their lives.  

For Sonny – the young hotel owner, his story is about removing cultural traditions in order to follow his heart both in love and life.  This teaches us to follow what the heart wants.  If you feel a passion about something you want to do in your life – follow that passion and eventually things will tend to work out.  Sometimes it is worth breaking the traditions that hold people back from loving who they want to love and fulfilling the dreams that will make them happy.

The movie made me ask myself – Am I listening to the whispers of the universe that are telling me to follow my truth path?  Am I receiving the subtle messages that will guide me to my passions in life?  Is the universe sending these messages so that I can continue towards my intended goal?  Are the people I am meeting reminders that I am moving in the right direction?  We can’t look back at life with regret – we need to adapt to change and embrace it, this way we can move forward with confidence and be happy.

I urge you to watch this film from a place of love.  We can’t escape time – what we can do with whatever time we have left is learn, love and follow our passions.

Here is the movie trailer:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.


  1. Unfortunately, most of the human species lives in the past, that is based on the culture and tradition of the past. As a result, they never become the person that they were intended to be.

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