Most of us have an understanding or awareness of what the “placebo effect” but for those of you that do not….the “placebo effect” is the heal-inducing effect patients in clinical trials experience when they believe they are getting a new drug or surgery but are actually getting fake treatment.  In contrast, there is the “nocebo effect” which has the opposite effect the “placebo effect” has.  If patients are told that a drug will cause severe side-effects, they may experience them or if a doctor indicate a certain surgery or medication will not work – the patient will believe this to be true.  These effects have been proven time and time again.  We all understand the basics of negative and positive behaviour or thought…..when you think bad thoughts – something bad usually happens, this holds true for positive thoughts and intentions.

I do my best not to take any medications (cold, flu, sinus, headache..etc), including antibiotics – I don’t have a desire to put something into my body that can potentially cause me more harm from taking it/them.  I prefer the holistic approach or the more natural remedies for whatever is ailing me.  I sometimes even meditate to heal my body after an illness or for preventative measures.   During my meditation – I imagine my body filling with the healing energies of white light and imagine that white light flowing through my body, into my organs and bones.  Once the white light passes through all of my body, I release the energy into the universe from my crown chakra (the top of the head).  My second step in my ‘healing’ meditation is to imagine all my wonderful and healthy cells overpowering or destroying the cells that cause sickness and disease.

Many people are mentally defeated when they are told that they have a life-threatening disease and give up almost immediately.  I believe that if you seek alternative methods of healing that the mind and body will respond positively.  Being proactive and taking initiative with our health issues is not only our doctor’s responsibility, it is ours.  If our doctors do not encourage us to seek alternative methods to healing, then it is possible that you may need a new health care professional.

Dr. Lissa Rankin appeared on a Ted Talks episode in which she discusses both the “placebo” and “nocebo” effects in greater detail.  She also talks about the need for doctors to be more compassionate and caring when dealing with their clients.  Her insight and passion about health care is something I have rarely seen in doctor’s offices, health care clinics or even in hospitals.   Side note:  The state of health care in Canada is becoming increasingly challenging for both patients and health care providers – but that is a topic for another post.

Please visit Dr. Lissa Rankin’s website for some great health care information and be sure to check out her Ted Talks episode (both links provided). 

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!