Noah St. John is the winner of the Grand Slam Champion prize and the NPR Snap Judgment Performance of the Year winner.  This 15-year-old is an inspiration.  This video and performance piece about his two mothers is touching, heart-felt and testament to love, no matter who it is that you love.  Please watch and share it!

For further information about Snap Judgment – please visit their website:


It is wonderful to listen to the youth of today talk about love in such a passionate way.  We should encourage them to express themselves freely and without shame or fear.  We must listen to them in a positive, supportive and without judgement.  By doing this – we will not only ensure a more inclusive and tolerant society, we will be allowing the free expression of love to flow into the universe.  We need to allow individuals such as Noah St. John and Lizzie Velasquez to touch our hearts so that we can help them spread their message of love, compassion and joy throughout the world.

Please visit, ‘like’, and share the Facebook page I created for more information about Lizzie Velasquez – just search for We Love Lizzie Velasquez on Facebook.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!

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