In my past, I was taught to always look to the future – get an education, save money and plan for your future and your children’s future.  Currently – I don’t particularly feel that what I was taught is necessarily the way.  I am an avid believer that we must live for the moment.   We can’t change the past, but we can certainly learn from it to ensure that the future for the planet and humanity is bright and prosperous.  So, what of the future?

I would like to think that I am somewhat optimistic and generally tend to want positive resolutions to all types of situations but at the rate we are depleting our earth’s resources – I must really look hard at humanity and within myself to find my optimism.  What is happening around the world to make me feel this way?  Many things.  We live in a ruthless world and in a society were the rich are becoming even richer on the backs of the middle class and poor.  We believe in democracy that really doesn’t even exist – our politicians are driven by money, our society is driven by money therefore what benefit do politicians have in fighting for social issues if there is no monetary benefit.  Politicians will fight for the big corporations – those same corporations who are destroying this world and don’t want to invest in innovation, sustainable energy, education, health care and our environment.  Why?  Because there is no money to be paid in those areas.

Think about it – we are in a global financial crisis, we may come out of it for a few years and things may appear to becoming better but in truth – they will only get worse.  Countries are bankrupt – the world is in debt and there is not enough money to get us out of debt.  Seriously.  Unemployment will continue to rise because of our technology – I see it now.  I work for the federal government in Canada.  It was believed that having a government job meant job stability and security – not anymore.  In order to modernize the services we provide – the government continues to automate most of the services they provide.  If/when you lose your job – you don’t have to go sit and wait to apply for benefits in-person, you apply online.  Modernization/Automation or whatever you want to call it, is a reality and will only continue therefore, unemployment will continue to sky-rocket and more and more people will become unemployed. 

Let’s look at our dependency on ‘dirty oil’….there is not enough oil in the world to that would support the current lifestyle we are accustomed to – we need to focus on newer technologies and sustainable energy sources like wind and solar.  Our dependency on oil has and continues to wreak havoc on our planet.  If we continue to defile the earth by raping it of its’ natural resources – we will have no earth left.  We have polluted our water, poisoned our soil and made our air toxic – how much more can we and the planet endure?  In polluting the planet, we have limited our availability to our clean/fresh water supply.  The use of pesticides has allowed for our soil to become toxic and if our soil is toxic, that would mean our food is to.

Is there a solution – YES, but we must allow innovators like Jacque Fresco the chance to prove their ideas could work for the greater good of the planet and humanity.  Jacque Fresco’s – is an American self-educated structural designer, architectural designer, concept artist and educator.  Fresco writes and lectures his views of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management, cybernated technology, advanced automation, and the role of science in society.  His vision is absolutely remarkable and astounding but critics have labelled him an “eccentric”, a “dreamer”, a “utopian”, an “idealist” and “crackpot” but, what if his ideas work?  What is the harm in trying?  Because right now, our politicians are not even close to finding any solutions for our current economic and environmental issues.

The purpose of my blog is to spread stories of love and positive energy into the world but I feel that without spreading the truth, there can not be any positive outcomes.  We need to know what is happening.  We need to turn off our televisions and stop living in a world where big corporations and greedy politicians dictate what we should be  doing and buying.  We need to stop them from distracting us with their fear tactics and lies and hold them accountable for their actions.  Government and corporations need to listen to us and the way to do that is by not supporting them and not believing their products are a necessity.

Check out the following websites and spread the word:



If we believe that we can make a difference – we will make that difference!

TOGETHER, we can make the world a more positive one!