Depeche Mode has been creating music for over 30 years.  They are – one of a handful – of groups who gave a voice to electronic/alternative music.  They have given us countless and the timeless 80’s classics – Just Can’t Get Enough, Leave in Silence, Everything Counts, Master and Servant, Love In Itself, People Are People, Blasphemous Rumours, Shake The Disease, Stripped, But Not Tonight,  New Dress, Fly on the Windscreen, Strangelove, Behind the Wheel, Never Let Me Down Again and Personal Jesus.  In the 90’s, they continued with some of their most successful albums and released many pivotal singles for a new generation of fans, like; Enjoy The Silence, Policy of Truth, World In My Eyes, I Feel You, Walking In My Shoes, Condemnation, In Your Room, Barrel of a Gun, It’s No Good, Home, Useless and Only When I Lose Myself.  They began the 2000’s with the cool electronic sounds of Dream On, I Feel Loved, Freelove and Goodnight Lovers. A re-release and reinterpretation of Enjoy the Silence was released in 2004 which began another string of singles such as Precious, A Pain That I’m Used To, Suffer Well, John The Revelator, Martyr, Wrong, Peace, Perfect and Hole to Feed/Fragile Tension.  In 2011 – they began with a reinterpretation of their previous single, Personal Jesus.

What is next for this legendary electronic/alternative supergroup?  They plan to start a world tour in Tel Aviv in the first quarter of 2013 and have signed on with Columbia Records with promise of an album slated for release in March of 2013 (a perfect birthday gift).

It is very rare for groups to consistently release relevant material – especially in a world that had little respect for new wave/electronic groups.  Those “legitimate” rock  groups and their groupies were constantly criticizing such bands indicating that they had no talent, never played instruments and that they would never last.  Looking back – many of those criticizing groups are nowhere to be seen while Depeche Mode continues to be innovative, fresh and relevant in a world that is so addicted to ‘fast food’ music.  I look forward to hearing new music from this great band and I am grateful that they have consistently maintained a sound that is way ahead of the game and far superior then the music on pop radio.

The song that I chose from Depeche Mode as ‘song of the week’ comes from their # 1 album, Violator.  The song was never released as a single and is my personal favourite on this album.  Enjoy the greatness that is ‘Waiting For The Night’.  I have added the audio first and then a live version from their 2009 Barcelona show.


I’m waiting for the night to fall
I know that it will save us all
When everything’s dark
Keeps us from the stark reality
I’m waiting for the night to fall
When everything is bearable
And there in the still
All that you feel
Is tranquility

There is a star in the sky
Guiding my way with its light
And in the glow of the moon
Know my deliverance will come soon

There is a sound in the calm
Someone is coming to harm
I press my hands to my ears
It’s easier here just to forget fear

And when I squinted
The world seemed rose-tinted
And angels appeared to descend
To my surprise
With half-closed eyes
Things looked even better
Than when they were opened

Been waiting for the night to fall
Now everything is bearable
And here in the still
All that you hear
Is tranquility

For more Depeche Mode information, discography, live dates etc….please visit the Depeche Mode website at:

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