Does humanity really understand the impact of their actions?  Do you believe that without the aid of graphic photos or videos of some of the horrors animals go through is enough for you to make the required changes in order to save those animals?  Do our oceans need to experience another environmental catastrophe for people to understand that we can’t wait any longer to do something – we must ACT now!  How much longer can you turn a blind eye?  Is it because we do not see the direct impact of our ignorance?

BBC has recently posted highlights on a report conducted by conservation group WWF that indicates the following:

  • funds from trafficking are being used to finance civil conflicts
  • Malaysia officials captured 20 tonnes of ivory
  • wildlife crime has escalated drastically over the past decade, more threat than ever before
  • rebel militia groups in Africa are cashing in on demand for elephants, tigers and rhinos
  • illicit sale of animals and plants is the world’s fourth largest illegal trade after narcotics, counterfeiting of products and currency and trafficking of people

What can we do?  Do not buy any products that are made of ivory!  Visit the WWF website (within your region) and make a donation.

Many cultures believe that certain animal body parts will keep them prone to certain disease or health issues.  I really don’t believe that killing tigers for their testicles can promote any type of well-being.  Shark fin soup – is not detrimental to good health and longevity.  What happens when tigers, elephants, rhinos, gorillas, etc become extinct?  What will it take for people to understand that these remedies (animal body parts) are not making them healthier, giving them longevity or fixing their sexual dysfunctions?

In terms of our environment – do we not realize that deforestation and drilling for oil is not the solution to our environmental crisis.  Raping the earth of its natural resources is not only a catastrophe for the planet – it will contribute to a global health epidemic which will deplete our financial resources.  Is that what our governments and big corporations want?  Are we willing to allow big corporations to contribute to a global health crisis that they will financially benefit from.  Government and big business rely on us to not ask questions – they want you to consume, to watch television, to drive gas-guzzlers, to want bigger homes, boats, cars etc….because, if you are pre-occupied with ‘wanting more’ – there is no need to think about the horrific acts that the oil companies have done and continue to do to our planet.

Personally – I will do anything that I can to save our planet.  I will continue to write letters to my MP and I will continue to voice my concerns about this planet.  I will continue to blog about the atrocities that animals endure and I will continue to blog about the companies that are depleting the earth’s resources.  We need a voice for the planet and for wildlife – join me and together we can be that voice.  We can really create the change we want to see in the world (thank you Gandhi) – but we must act now.  Forward this blog and site to all of your friends, family and followers.  Let us spread the message and then WE WILL see that change.  Here are some good resources as a starting point – GET CONNECTED and GET INVOLVED:

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!