I thought I would start a new regular and monthly post entitled ‘Documentary of the Month’.  I have been watching so many documentaries that are so informative and ‘eye-opening’ that I felt the need to share them.  The first documentary I would like to feature is a film based on the book by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke entitled;  Blue Gold: The Right to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water.  My first documentary of the month feature is the movie “Blue Gold:  World Water Wars”directed by Sam Bozzo and produced by Si Litvinoff, Mark Achbar and Sam Bozzo. 

I had an understanding of the need and urgency to conserve water but what I did not understand was the complexity that privatizing water would have on poorer countries around the world, not to mention the environmental and political implications of our water supply.

Like most documentaries – this move is key in educating the world about big corporations planned take-over and of our water and the implications of this privatization has caused countries around the world.  It also delves into the immediate crisis of the world water supply and how modern agricultural practices have profound environmental impacts to our water sources.  The film also looks at the challenges today’s farmers face due to government regulations or the lack thereof.

The film is truly inspiring and has made me really appreciate and come to respect our planet and nature even further!!!

For more information about the movie and what you can do to protect our water, check at the official movie website:

Here is the movie trailer:

I hope this movie inspires you to share this information and to be an advocate for our environment!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!