I have always wanted to try my hand at abstract art but never really committed – not until yesterday (November 12, 2012 in Canada).  I have always heard how therapeutic it is to let go of all the stresses of the day and let your heart and hands take over… my surprise, I was pleased with my first two original paintings.  Here they are:




I never thought I would enjoy painting on canvas as much as I did!  To get inspired, I started a fire in my fireplace, put on some SADE, dimmed the lights and began.  Any negativity or inherited stress I had from my day completely melted away.  This process was calming and has allowed me to release creativity I never knew existed within me.  I am grateful that I allowed myself to be creative and to release any pent-up feelings I may have been holding onto from my past through art.

I will post more original art prints in future posts….please let me know what you think!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!