According to the Bilderberg website – the groups history is as follows:


Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel In Holland, where the first meeting took place in May 1954.  That pioneering meeting grew out of concern expressed by leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe and North America were not working together as closely as they should on common problems of critical importance.  It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.

The Cold War has now ended.  But in practically all respects there are more, not fewer, common problems – from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment, from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security.  It is hard to think of any major issue in either Europe or North America whose unilateral solution would not have repercussions for the other.

Thus the concept of a European-American forum has not been overtaken by time.  The dialogue between these two regions is still – even increasingly – critical.


What is unique about Bilderberg as a forum is:

  • the broad cross-section of leading citizens that are assembled for nearly three days of informal and off-the-record discussion about topics of current concern especially in the fields of foreign affairs and international economy
  • the strong feeling among participants that in view of the differing attitudes and experiences of the Western nations, there remains a clear need to further develop an understanding in which these concerns can be accommodated
  • the privacy of the meetings, which has no purpose other than to allow participants to speak their minds openly and freely

In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.  Bilderberg’s only activity is its annual Conference.  At the meetings, no resolution are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.  Since 1954, fifty-nine conferences have been held.  For each meeting, the names of the participants as well as the agenda are made Public and available to press.

The last Bilderberg meeting took place between May 31 – June 3, 2012 in Chantilly, Virginia, USA.  Here are the names of some of the participants at that meeting:

  • Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG (DEU)
  • Keith B. Alexander, Commander, US Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency (USA)
  • Nick Boles, Member of Parliament (GBR) 
  • Mark J. Carney, Governor, Bank of Canada (CAN)
  • Edmund W. Clark, Group President and CEO, TD Bank Group (CAN)
  • Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., Governor of Indiana (USA)
  • Thomas E. Donilon, National Security Advisor (USA)
  • Michael J. Evans, Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs (USA)
  • Donald E.  Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company (USA)
  • Reid Hoffman, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, Linkedln (USA)
  • Jon M. Huntsman Jr., Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation (USA)
  • Erik Izraelewicz, CEO, Le Monde (FRA)
  • Garry Kasparov, Chairman, United Civil Front (of Russia), (RUS)
  • John Kerry, Senator for Massachusetts (USA)
  • Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc (USA)
  • Fred Krupp, President, Environmental Defense Fund (USA)
  • Enrico Letta, Deputy Leader, Democratic Party (ITA)
  • Andrew N. Liveris, President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company (USA)
  • Peter Löscher, President and CEO, Siemens AG (DEU)
  • Frank McKenna, Deputy Chair, TD Bank Group (CAN)
  • John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist (GBR)
  • Jorge Moreira da Silva, First Vice-President, Partido Social Democrata (PRT)
  • Juan Maria Nin Génova, Deputy Chairman and CEO, Caixabank (ESP)
  • Michael Noonan, Minister of Finance (IRL)
  • Peggy Noonan, Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal (USA)
  • Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc (FIN)
  • J. Robert S. Prichard, Chair, Torys LLP (CAN)
  • Alison M. Redford, Premier of Alberta (CAN)
  • Heather M. Reisman, CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. (CAN)
  • Mark Rutte, Prime Minister (NLD)
  • Eric E. Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google Inc. (USA)
  • Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International (IRL)
  • Nigel S. Wright, Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister (CAN)
  • Daniel Yergin, Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (USA)
  • Robert B. Zoellick, President, The World Bank Group (INT)

Bilderberg may have indicated that invited members of this group only meet to discuss the current state of the world economy and foreign affairs, but others don’t believe that this is the sole purpose for their meetings.  For over 14 years, Daniel Estulin has investigated and researched the Bildeberg Group’s far-reaching influence on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and control of the world’s resources and its money.  Estulin has indicated, “Slowly, one by one, I have penetrated the layers of secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg Group, but I could not have done this without help of ‘conscientious objectors’ from the inside, as well as outside, the Group’s membership.” He also states, “a shadow world government….threaten(ing) to take away our right to direct our own destinies (by creating) a disturbing reality”.

Could it be that this powerful and elite group of presidents, prime ministers, international bankers and generals want military dominance, the control of the world’s money and corporate control worldwide?  Can this even happen?  There is much evidence that suggests that this group is on their way to this reality, for instance;  The North American Union (NAU).

The idea emerged during the Reagan administration in the early 1980’s.  David Rockefeller, George Schultz and Paul Volker told the president that Canada and America could be politically and economically merged over the next 15 years except for one problem – French-speaking Quebec.  Their solution – elect a Bilderberg-friendly prime minister, separate Quebec from the other provinces, then make Canada America’s 51st state.  It almost worked, but not quite when a 1995 secession referendum was defeated – 50.56% to 49.44% , but not the idea of merger.

At a March 23, 2005 Waco, Texas meeting, attended by George W. Bush, Mexico’s Vincente Fox, and Canada’s Paul Martin, the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) was launched, also known as the North American Union (NAU).  It was a secretive Independent Task Form of North America agreement – a group organized by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations – US) with the following aims;

  1. circumventing the legislatures of three countries and their constitutions
  2. suppressing public knowledge or consideration
  3. proposing greater US, Canadian and Mexican economic, political, social, and security integration with secretive working groups formed to devise non-debatable, not voted on agreements to be binding and unchangeable

In short – a corporate coup d’etat against the sovereignty of three nations enforced by hard-line militarization to suppress opposition.  If enacted, it will create a borderless North America, corporate controlled, without barriers to trade or capital flows for business giants, mainly US ones and much more – America’s access to vital resources, especially oil and Canada’s fresh water.

Secretly, over 300 SPP initiatives were crafted to harmonize the continent’s policies on energy, food, drugs, security, immigration, manufacturing, the environment, and public health along with militarizing three nations for enforcement.

Information about the Bilderberg Objectives, Secret Partners, Controlling the Public, Web Control, The North American Union, New World Order, One-World, One-Government, One-Currency and Bilderberg’s alleged attempt to reduce the world’s population can be found anywhere on the web.  For an extensive read about Bilderberg group initiatives, pick up a copy of Daniel Estulin’s book – “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group”. 

In the past, Estulin’s sources proved accurate.  Earlier, he predicted the housing crash of 2007 – 2008 financial market decline, preceded by the kind of financial crisis triggered by the Lehman Brother’s collapse.

Can our society really allow this to happen?  Yes, we can!  It has already begun….we allow corporations to rape the earth of its natural resources – US/Canada has agreed to build a pipeline across the two countries.  Most of us were inoculated with swine flu (H1N1) vaccinations – that were deemed safe.  We are told what to eat, what to buy, where to shop and what to watch on television.  Everything we do is controlled by big corporation or politicians controlled by big corporations.  We are all being fooled to think we are acting on our own accord, but are we really.  When presidents, prime ministers, international bankers, generals, and media giants meet secretly to discuss the state of world affairs and current events, we must ask ourselves – what is their agenda?  Is it for global corporate domination or for the greater good of our world?

Do the research and seek the truth!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!