We are living in a time were our weather pattern’s are changing and storms are becoming more and more severe – most notably, Hurricane Katrina and most recently, Hurricane Sandy.  Is it the melting ice-caps in the Arctic, is it humans need for dirty fossil fuels, is it our CO2 emissions – whatever the reason, there is a need to heal the planet and the people who live on it.

I am amazed how media takes this opportunity to report on the devastation and how many lives have been lost – do we really need to know this?  I don’t!  What I do really want to see reported is how humanity can put aside each others differences and come together to help those in need.  For example – my neighbours left a note on my door indicating that they have removed our patio furniture and placed it in their garage in anticipation of the high winds due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy.  I know that this wasn’t profound or life-saving but, the actions of my neighbour were an indication that we are all capable of a degree of kindness  that can create a positive outcome.

During such severe moments – tropical storms, hurricanes, illnesses, etc…we must remember to ask those around us if they require assistance.  We must ensure the well-being of those around us, not only our friends and family but their pets.  I recently heard a story about New York preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy – they indicated that those who were coming to the evacuation centres that they could bring their pets!  What relief it would be to know that you would not have to leave your beautiful animal(s) behind in light of whatever lay ahead.

We don’t have to react negatively to the paranoia that the media feeds us – what we can do is prepare ourselves (emotionally and physically) to ensure the outcomes of these events are positive and that they bring positivity into our world.  Karma is wonderful – especially the kind filled with respect, joy, kindness, compassion and love.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!