The reason I write my blog posts is to ensure that people are empowered to create positive change and spread it around the world.  In order for me to do this, I sometimes have to bring attention to those who may not be so supportive in creating an inclusive, positive and loving world community.  I hope that by reporting and exposing some ignorances that people have – that we all learn and move forward in a more positive light.  Saying that, here are some things that I believe need to be shared with anyone who reads this blog – I hope that we can all take something positive from these examples:

Ann Coulter (on coming out)

On October 15, 2012 – Conservative political commentator tweeted, “Last Thursday was national “coming out” day.  This Monday is national “disown your son” day”.  Not only is this comment offensive but contributes to the hate, bigotry and violence that we are seeing against the LGBT community today.  Some people, especially teens, are being bullied across the nation and around the world for being gay – some are even bullied to the point of suicide.  It is completely irresponsible for someone to make such a horrible statement or joke and not be held responsible.  Here is what GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) had to say on this matter:

I recognize that this is a joke, and that she is not really taken seriously in any context anyway, but with this coming right after National Coming Out Day, at the start of Ally Week and just days before Spirit Day, I thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about this idea of hers. There was a time in our culture’s history when, if thousands of LGBT kids were to come out on the same day, the next week genuinely would be exactly what Ann describes, all across the country. Fathers disowning their sons and kicking them out onto the street. Mothers locking up their daughters or sending them to charm school. Children forced to undergo electro-shock or even worse forms of “therapy” to rid themselves of their orientation. To learn how to not be true to themselves.

And although we’ve come a long way from those ideas as a cultural collective, I have no doubt that last week, more than a few American households experienced the tragedy that Ann joked about. Approximately 50% of LGBT youth experience some degree of family rejection. There are as many as 100 thousand homeless LGBT youth on our nation’s streets, and it’s estimated that LGBT youth make up as much as 40% of our nation’s homeless youth population. LGBT youth who are completely rejected by their parents are more than 8 times as likely to have attempted suicide. Pretty funny, right?

Christian man pretends to be gay for a year

What can a Christian, straight man learn from pretending to be gay for a year?  Obviously, A LOT!!!  Very inspiring!

You can still be a MACHO MAN and know what is right!

Chris Kluwe expresses how he feels about gay marriage and briefly takes about politics – I love when men, especially those who are required by the public to act a certain way, are able to speak honestly and intelligently without fear of any consequences – truly a role-model for ‘straight’ athletes around the world.


Is Victoria Jackson (ex-Saturday Night Live alumni) serious???

I don’t know what else to think about this…..but she has a right to believe what she believes.  Obviously, all Christian’s do not feel the same – THANK GOD!

Cyndi Lauper and the LGBT Community

Check out the philanthropic work Cyndi is involved in and has created…..check out her True Colours site, it is inspirational!

Samuel Greisman talks about his mother Sally Field at a Human Rights dinner

As you can see in the above examples – it takes much less energy to promote wellness and positivity into the world rather than pushing hate and ignorance.  What energy do you want to be part of?  Share the blog and site with all your friends and family and help spread the positive word!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!