What do you see when you observe all that is around you?  Is it the scowling faces of busy people coming and going?  Do you witness the rage in the drivers around you?  Are people to busy trying to capture other’s being negligent on their mobile devices?  Why are we so focused in finding the bad in everything that is around us when there is so much good?  How productive are we when we focus on the negative things that people do – is your day filled with love and light or darkness and despair?   It is time to take a look at yourself and ask yourself what kind of energy am I sending into the world – am I too caught up in senseless gossip or am I omitting a positive vibration into our universe?

I challenge all that read this blog (and they should challenge their friends and family) to take notice or do something good.   Find the beauty around you – it could be as simple as smiling at someone and brightening their day!  Saying ‘thank you’ when someone holds a door open for you, hold the door open for someone else, don’t get angry when someone cuts you off during a commute – wave hello!  If you have pets and are out on a walk – take the initiative and pick up any trash that is laying about.  Find and create the beauty around you!  If you practice this – it will become second nature to you and will benefit you and all those you come in contact with.  You may have some ‘off’ days, but if you brush the negativity off of you – you can begin again without any judgements.

Here are some of the many things I find beautiful each and everyday:

  • parents playing with their children in a park
  • the sunrise
  • the way my spouse sleeps
  • the way the leaves change colours in the fall
  • the stars in the night sky
  • the wisdom of the elderly
  • the ability for humans to create positive change in the world
  • a strangers smile
  • wildlife and animals
  • my ability to learn and grown everyday

Here are some various pictures from the internet that I find touching, beautiful and positive:

 ***I credit the photographers in taking such beautiful images and sharing them with the world and on the internet – whomever you are!***