Ask your friends and family about the origins of Thanksgiving and why it is celebrated – you might be surprised at how many different answers you will receive.

In Canada:

The origin of the first Thanksgiving in Canada goes back to the explorer Martin Frobisher who have been trying to find a safe northern passage to the Pacific Ocean.  After surviving the journey from England through many storms and icebergs, Frobisher was thankful for his survival and decided to celebrate in order to give thanks in making such a treacherous journey through storms and icebergs.

In the United States of America:

Thanksgiving officially been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens,” to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26.

Thanksgiving to me – should happen everyday (minus the glutinous consumption of all the pork/turkey/beef/fish and every other animal that people can think about eating) and should be about being grateful on so many levels such as; having good health, loving friends and family, having enough food to eat, having clean water, nature and helping those who are less fortunate than we are.  Today, I find, like many other holidays – that there is no gratitude in celebrating that said holiday.

THANKSGIVING and what it means to me, everyday:

T – Togetherness

A time when we come together and celebrate those people in our lives who have encouraged us, shown us compassion, love and kindness without any judgements.

H – Happiness

When you come together to give thanks and to celebrate the great and encouraging people in our lives – this will only bring happiness, love and joy into your life.  Think of how you feel as you remember those moments when you received help from those loving and positive people in your lives….happiness and love will guide us through many trials and tribulations in our lives.

A – Acceptance

We should learn to accept the differences of all people the touch our lives.  It doesn’t matter if someone else lives their lives in a different manner than you – as long as they live with honesty, generosity, integrity, compassion, love and kindness than all will be well.

N – Nature 

Respecting nature and giving back to mother earth not only allows our environment to thrive, but it will also rejuvenate your spirit to know that you are connecting with all of the universe and the beauty it has to offer.

K – Karma

The Hinduism/Buddhism meaning of karma suggest the effects of ones actions that will determine his/her destiny in his/her next incarnation.  The energy we give out into the universe is the energy that is returned to us in our current life cycle.  Why give negative energy when that is all you will receive.  I prefer to live a life were I do my best to send out positive vibrations into the universe so that positivity is returned back to me.  I prefer to live with love, joy, happiness and kindness that with hate, anger, hurt and resentment.

S – Sincerity  

If you are sincere, honest and genuine – people will know who you truly are and will love you based on that sincerity.  Don’t pretend to be someone you are not just to please others – if you are sincere within yourself, honest with yourself and genuine with yourself – it won’t even matter what others think!

G – Gratitude

There is nothing more pleasing than being grateful for those people in my life that offer me support, love, acceptance, kindness, compassion and encouragement.  Along with being grateful for those great and generous individuals in our lives it is important to be grateful for the things you have – your health, your understanding, your compassion, your kindness and your love.

I – Imagination

Imagine a world that is inclusive, happy, accepting, respects nature, only sends positivity into the universe, is sincere and gracious…..we can make it happen – imagination is not only fantasy, it can be a reality!

V- Value

Know that yourself have a sense of value.  We are all valuable and have so much to offer one another.  See the value in yourself and see it in others.

I – Impact

If you know you have value, you know that you can create a positive impact in our world.  What positive impact will you create to make our world a more positive one?

N – Natural

If we are true to ourselves we are being natural and organic beings.  In this natural state – we will have no anxiety in wanting to please others because we will not have to.

G – Good

Everyone has goodness in them – we just have to ensure that this goodness becomes part of our each and every day in our lives.  Acting out of goodness is emotionally satisfying and rewarding.  Try it out by committing random acts of kindness everyday.

T – Togetherness, H – Happiness, A – Acceptance, N – Nature, K – Karma, S– Sincerity, G – Gratitude, I – Imagination, V – Value, I – Impact, N – Natural, G – Good.

To me that is what THANKSGIVING is all about each and every day!


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