I have just recently finished watching the documentary directed by Lee Fulkerson and produced by John Corry – FORKS OVER KNIVES.  Much of the nutritional information in the movie, about eating a plant-based diet, I was already informed about but there was still much I was not aware of.  For instance; I know that by eating a plant-based diet, I am able to receive just as much protein as meat-eaters do.  I also know the environmental implications of cattle farming and the devastation this has caused to our forests/environment, not to mention that we could feed all of the worlds hungry with the grain that is used to feed the animals being raised for the meat industry.

I think this movie will prove to be an ‘eye-opening’ experience for many who do not want to believe that many of what ails them could be stopped and even reversed, such as; heart disease, high blood level, high cholesterol, diabetes and even cancer (just to mention a few).  The evidence is available to all who are open enough to receive this message.  Who doesn’t want to remove medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes???  Which person would not want a more healthy lifestyle free of bloating, sinus infection, asthma and cancer?

We have been told and made to believe that meat and dairy is necessary to ensure a healthy body and to ensure that we receive all the proper nutrients.  If this is truth – why are so many of us in the United States and Canada becoming so obese?  This obesity is leading to so many preventable deaths – people are not being told the truth.  Who is at fault here?  Is it the consumer for not taking the initiative to understand that nutrition and exercise is key to our well-being?  Is it the meat/dairy industry for making us believe that eating animal products is beneficial to our health?  Is it our governments – for not holding the meat and dairy industry accountable for their lies?  Are our governments not supposed to work for those who have elected them into office or do they answer to the meat/dairy and pharmaceutical companies that continue to keep us sick?

I have so many friends and family members who complain about their weight, their blood pressure and their cholesterol levels – some are even taking medication for their ailments at such a young age.  I inform them that it could be their diet and their consumption of animal products such as milk/eggs and meat – they just don’t believe it. A friend of mine has pork once a week (from what I know of) – this person also consumes eggs, sausage, bacon, butter, milk and pancakes every time we have had breakfast together yet, they never question why they are taking medicine for their high blood pressure and cholesterol levels?

My blog is not intended to judge anyone for their lifestyle choices – If someone chooses not to see the evidence with their own eyes or hear it with their own ears, that is their prerogative – just please stop making judgements about my lifestyle choice on becoming a vegan.  I have made an ethical decision not to eat or buy animal products again and if that makes you feel uncomfortable, than maybe you need to ask yourself why.

Here is a link to more information about the movie FORKS OVER KNIVES and a link to their website, which provides such amazing information about nutrition and how to begin your path to a more healthy you and healthier lifestyle, what more do you have to lose?
