What is most important to you in your life?  Is it your career, being financial secure, having a loving partner, helping others in need?  We are all different, so what is important to you may not be as important to me.  Also – what was important to me 20 years ago is totally different from what is important to me now.
Have you really thought about what is important to you now and why that particular thing is important?  Think about it and right it down…..in a few years review your journal and compare it to your past, your present and what may be important to you in your future.
Personally – I live for today because I don’t know what will happen tomorrow.  I also don’t live in the past because it has happened and there is nothing I can do about it.  I live for the moment and right now, these are the most important things for me:
The love I have for my spouse
The love I have for the environment
The love I have for helping animals
The love I have for spreading love and positive energy into the universe
Without love – what are you left with?
Have you spread love into the universe today?