A young man in Roanoke, Virginia was a victim of a hate crime and had his car vandalized with the words ‘fag’ and ‘die’ scratched on the side of the car – it was also found with a window smashed out on a separate occasion.  A young owner of a body shop (Quality Auto Paint & Body) heard about the situation and offered to fix the car.  The victim – Jordan Addison and the mechanic shop owner – Richard Henegar recently appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show to explain their story.  Ellen asked the mechanic what compelled him to act out of such kindness and his response was as follows:  “I just felt that it was the right thing to do”…..watch the clip:

On a different note…..Jón Gnarr- mayor of Rykjavik, Iceland recently wrote to the mayor of Moscow – Sergey Sobyanin asking him to reconsider the ban of Gay Pride marches.  The letter indicated that festival has had a positive impact on the city’s image and on the attitude of the public towards the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual) community and is now one of the city’s biggest outdoor festivals.

“The festival has given the citizens of Reykjavík a change of heart and has led to a more progressive society – not only for LGBT people (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans-sexual), but for all Icelanders,” Jón explains.

Here is the link to the article:


It certainly says a lot when I am still surprised of the great attitudes and actions from our straight allies and friends when showing their support of the LGBT community.  I only say this because I have always seen the darker side of society when it came to the acceptance of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gendered community.  I am so grateful to live in a country where this type of hate and discrimination is not as visible as it is in other countries.  After all – we are all the same!

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.