How would you define yourself?  Do you define yourself for what you have, what you do, how others see you or how you see yourself? Maybe who you are is an amalgamation of all these things and more.  Have you ever thought about it? 

What You Have

The materialistic things we have should not define who we are – they are just materialistic things.  When we leave our physical bodies all those things remain – do you want to be remembered for all the things you had?  Many people believe that the more things we have the more we are accepted.  If other people feel that you are a better person or more socially accepted for the material things you have and not for who you are as an individual and what you have to offer, then you may need to think about the people you surround yourself with.

Your Profession

If you are in a career that you love and feel passionate about – then you are very fortunate and should be grateful!  Many of us believe that our profession defines who we are – our profession is a component of who we are as individuals.  We are not always policemen/women, teachers, lawyers, doctors, investors, real estate agents, brokers etc….we are extensions of our professions when we are truly doing what we love. 

How Others See You

We may have a general opinion of someone based on a combination of many things but until we truly know someone, we can’t make an assumption that those basic combinations of things define them as who they truly are.  My perception of who someone is may not be the same as the perception other people have of them.

How you see yourself

If you are sick – do you define yourself based on that sickness?  If you are a victim – do you define yourself by whatever crime was committed against you?  If you see yourself in a negative light…..then you may be holding onto to something from your past that is making you feel this way.  We should never look at ourselves in a negative light because that is what we will attract into our lives.

We are all part of something bigger – we are all connected to Source/God/The Universe.  Not one person is more special than another.  If we remember this and stay connected to Source, how we define ourselves will not matter because we are all the same.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one.