I want to start my blog by asking you to watch this video – open your mind and your heart.  Really watch it and think about what you do daily that contributes to climate change – can you make a difference?  YES, you can!

Here are the facts:

In the last 30 years, we’ve lost as much as three-quarters of the floating ice cap at the top of the world. The volume of that sea ice measured by satellites in the summer, when it reaches its smallest, has shrunk so fast that scientists say it’s now in a ‘death spiral’.

For over 800,000 years, ice has been a permanent feature of the Arctic ocean. It’s melting because of our use of dirty fossil fuel energy, and in the near future it could be ice free for the first time since humans walked the Earth. This would be not only devastating for the people, polar bears, narwhals, walruses and other species that live there – but for the rest of us too.

The ice at the top of the world reflects much of the sun’s heat back into space and keeps our whole planet cool, stabilising the weather systems that we depend on to grow our food. Protecting the ice means protecting us all.

We really need to understand the consequences of our actions and must make adjustments to ensure the fate of our environment for the generations that follow.  We also have to stop making the excuse that there is no way that by changing our behaviour that we can not make a difference – YOU CAN!!!  WE ALL CAN!!!  It really is not that difficult.  Here are some things that you can do to help on an on-going basis:

GO VEGETARIAN or VEGAN once a week.

By eating a vegetarian or vegan diet once a week (or more) – you will help the environment because raising animals for food requires about as much water as all other water uses combined.  Also – In November 2006, the United Nations released a massive report that details the environmental consequences of eating meat. It’s called Livestock’s Long Shadow, and it concludes that raising chickens, pigs, and other animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” Yes, no matter what environmental issue you’re looking at—from resource use to water pollution to air pollution to global warming—funneling crops through animals in order to eat meat is one of the top three causes.

vegetarianism-in-a-nutshell-environment.aspx (reference to the above).


Invest in a water dispenser for your home, preferably – reverse osmosis as this does not have any harmful chemicals and is better for your health.  I fill up 2 re-usable bottles weekly at my local health food store.  How many times have you purchased a bottle of water and thrown it into the garbage?  I have done it and I bet, most of you have too!  Buy a re-usable bottle that you can fill at anytime.

Also – stop buying pop/soda!  There is no nutritional benefit to carbonated beverages for you or your children.  Imagine the health benefits from not drinking pop/soda – you may even shed a few pounds.

Another benefit to not purchasing bottled water/carbonated beverages is that you will be cutting down on waste.  I know that many cans/bottles are recycled but how many end up in landfills, parks, the side of the road, on the street, etc?


Many of us make the excuse that natural products are too expensive and we are too busy to make an informed decision on what natural products are best to use.  All you have to know and understand is that buying things that are biodegradable without the harmful chemicals that pollute our soil and water are best.  If you can’t read the label – you should probably avoid it.  You can also google alternatives to what you currently use and find natural alternatives that you can make yourself.


Have we become that reliant on our vehicles that we can’t even make an effort to walk or ride our bikes to our local shops?  Cut the gas emissions and walk – not only is it good for the environment – it is good for your health!


If are governments do not take environmental issues seriously – then don’t support them and let them know you won’t support them.  Governments should not answer to the automobile industry or the oil companies, they should answer to their constituents.  Electric cars are possible and other renewable energy is possible, we just have to want it and stop listening to those who oppose it.  Imagine the jobs that can be created by converting to solar power homes and electric cars?  Did you know that there are mechanics that can convert your current ‘gas guzzler’ into an electric car ?  Our governments should be advocating for sustainable energy and stop fearing big corporations.


Support local businesses that are contributing to a greener, healthier environment and healthier you!  Don’t believe everything you read print or on television about what you should buy, eat, wear or drive.  Do the research yourself and make an informed decision on the products that will be best for you, your health and our environment.  If the companies that make those products are not considering you, your health or the environment – buy the products from a company that does.  Companies rely on consumers not to be educated and informed about their products – they make billions of dollars on that assumption but, if we make informed decisions on what we are buying and understand whether or not those products are beneficial to us, our health and our environment – those companies will start changing to reflect our needs.

We are becoming sick because of our environment – pulmonary diseases (asthma, lung cancer) have increased around the world.  Coincidence?  The air we are breathing is making us sick – to me, that statement is frightening.  If we can send a camera into the far reaches of the universe – why can’t we fix our environmental problems?  We must be instruments for change and demand better from our leaders.  We must fight for our planet, for our environment and for wildlife!  We can do it, all we have to do is spread the word because I know that together, we can make the world a more positive one!

Donate to Greenpeace now – let’s SAVE THE ARCTIC TOGETHER!


http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/ (Greenpeace website – read their 2011 annual report, you will be amazed at their accomplishments and their intended goals).

vegetarianism-in-a-nutshell-environment.aspx (PETA – great nutritional advice and an excellent resource for buying cruelty free products, make an informed decision about PETA and not based on what you have heard – they are great advocates for animals, our health and our environment).