Have you ever wondered how all of the personal events in your life have affected you throughout your lifetime?  Have you ever thought about how much social issues have played a role in you becoming the person you are today?  I have and I continue to do so.

We are taught to be perceived as ‘the right thing’ from our parents.  They have instilled onto us whatever was instilled into them by their parents.  So what are the things that we learned or carried with us that are wrong and that are right?  I believe that my parents gave me the basics – they taught me that it was not okay to treat others with disrespect.  My parents were good people but they had their faults – they encouraged a life based on their religious beliefs; that we should treat others with kindness.  Our parents certainly had much love for us but again, they were not perfect.  There were times when dad was very abusive and mom turned a bling eye.  I have forgiven my dad for his abuse and my mother for pretending the abuse didn’t happen – but that is what they have been taught and what they were raised in – it certainly doesn’t make it right.  What type of impact did everything my parents did or taught have on me today?

Generally, we are all taught to be polite, kind and respect each other from those who raise us but what happens to these lessons when we begin our own journeys and realize that in our society there are so many influences by traditions, cultures, religion, politics and personal preference.  Is it possible to find your true authentic self with so many different opinions, attitudes and influences from so many people?  I didn’t learn about different cultures, traditions or religions.  My parents were only interested in what they learned and what they were exposed to and I found that some of the things we learned as children/teens we had to pass on to our parents.  I struggled as a teenager because I was receiving so many mixed messages on how ‘things were supposed to be’ and ‘who I was supposed to become’.  My parents had their notions of who and what I was to become and my friends and all of society was telling me something different.  I knew what was socially instilled into me but that was creating a huge internal conflict.  There was so much contradiction every where I turned.  It was sometimes difficult to clear all the static that life creates for us, so how do we turn off all that noise.  How on earth do we rise above what everyone else is telling us is the right thing to do and knowing what is the right thing to do?

Did I get to where I am today because of intuition?  Did I trust enough in the universe to get to where I am today?  Why am I not Catholic, Christian or Jewish?  Why is it that I prefer not to be affiliated with any political party?  I am not perfect but I certainly don’t want to kill or rape anyone.  So, am I a product of what my parents taught me or have I been influenced by society, religion or politics?   The answer is simple – I have and continue to be a product of the best of all of these things.  My parents gave me the foundation to becoming a kind-hearted person and I have learned that I should not bring their intolerances into my adulthood. Society has taught me not to conform to what is perceived to be a ‘normal’ life.  There are so many differences in our world that nothing seems to fit into the ‘norm’.  It has also taught me to trust in myself and be confident in my convictions.  Had I listened to what society has deemed ‘normal’ – I would be pumped with anti-depressants and a shell of the person I am today.  Religion has taught me how men and women can distort something that was meant to be a good thing and make them believe it is something else for their greater good.  The only thing I take away from religion is the simple message that we should treat everyone with dignity, respect, love and compassion – it is that simple!  I don’t believe that any God would encourage his children to be hateful.  As far as politics go – I have no confidence in governments that only think about ‘how the they can benefit’ versus how we can all benefit.  Lately – governments around the world are only interested in assisting big corporations.  Oil, pharmaceutical, meat and banks.  Oil companies continue to rape the earths natural resources and keep creating huge environmental catastrophes, pharmaceutical companies keep people pumped on anti-depressants and drugs that keep them sick so they don’t think about asking questions, the food industry  keeps making processed and genetically modified food that contribute to our increased poor health so that we can rely on the drugs supplied by the pharmaceutical companies.  Should our politicians and governments be more inclined to work for a better tomorrow for our children?  Should they not be more proactive in better health care and  sustainable and renewable energy?  Is it that difficult to give money to find and build cars that don’t pollute our environment – give the big automobile companies the resources and this will create jobs and drastically reduce our carbon footprint.

In all this insanity and chaos – how do we remain sane?  Well, speaking personally – you trust in yourself, you stay positive, you laugh, you cry, you stand up for those who can’t stand for themselves, you show compassion, love and respect and you promote a more positive world.  I am thankful for the clarity the universe had given me and I know that I have much to learn still – I accept my willingness to learn so that I can become a better person.  I have chosen not to walk around my life in a zombie state and I want to help awaken the goodness I see in everyone.

Together, we can make the world a more positive one!