I am baffled at how many people become so engaged in ‘negative speak’.  Usually – the first question that friends or family pose is “Have you seen the news last night” and then automatically go into how horrible that particular news story is.  There are times when I am pleasantly surprised when someone shares a story that is filled with inspiration and a positive outcome.  I don’t think people are aware of what type of energy they surround themselves in when they share stories that are negative.  Picture yourself sharing a story about something wonderful that has happened to you.  Remember how you look, what your body language says, the excitement in your voice and how your audience responsds to your energy – imagine the same scenario but you are sharing a story that is grim, filled with violence and negative energy.  The energies are completely different?  Wouldn’t you want to keep the feelings associated with the positive energy going?

It is important to be aware of what is going on in our communities, towns, cities and in our world – but if this awareness is creating you to feel scared, angry, sadness, anxiety and fear – then it is time to think about how to turn those negative energies around and make them positive.  Instead of sharing news stories that everyone will have already heard about or know of – why not share personal stories of triumph or success?  

I make an effort to begin my day by surrounding myself with positive energy and ensure I end my day surrounding with the same energy.  I find that your day ends and begins with feelings of joy, happiness, laughter and love when you focus on a more positive mindset.

I hope that everyone who reads this thinks about spreading love, joy, happiness and laughter into our world.  It will not only make you feel great – but it will make others feel great.  Empower yourselves to do good and to talk about goodness and you will find that you life and your energy will be surrounding by love and positivity. 

“Together we can make the world a better one”.