Many of us have a difficult time adapting to change – especially when that change is beyond our control (job loss, death of a friend of family member).  Other changes happen with our intent and are still difficult to adapt to (job re-location, moving,  ending a relationship).  Whatever that change may be in our lives – we must find a positive and pro-active way of dealing with those specific and sometimes, stressful changes.  How we manage our stress due to these changes is key in maintaining good health and emotional well-being.  Here is some advice that I have for managing change in a positive way:

Don’t Panic – We tend to go to the ‘worse case scenario’ before assessing all the facts of the upcoming change.  The change is sometimes not as bad as we may think.

A Sign From The Universe –  Instead of thinking negatively about the impending changes that may come – look at it with positivity.  Could this be ‘a sign’ from the universe that it is time for you to move onto ‘bigger and better things’.  Maybe those changes have been holding you back from what your true passion in life is.

Change is Good – We learn from periods of change.  Whatever change happens for you in your life – think of them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Allow Yourself To Feel The Emotions Associated With That Change (Good/Bad) – If we don’t allow ourselves to feel that emotions we are supposed to feel due to change that is beyond our control, we will become emotionally and physically sick.  If you experience a death – cry and feel all that needs to be released.  If you lose a job – be angry, hurt and sad.  FEEL!  Allow your body to release the stresses that are associated with those losses.  Without feeling, we are unable to move forward in a positive way for our emotional and physical well-being.

There are many exercises, for both body and mind, that can help you cope with change that is beyond our control; yoga, working out, taking walks, re-connecting with nature, meditation, learning something new (art/cooking/new language), talking with friends/family, etc.  If you have trouble adapted to any changes that are not within your control and you feel that you are becoming physically and emotionally sick – seek medical advise from your health care professional.

I am not saying that all events that happen in your life are going to be easy to manage – that would be a lie.  Life is difficult, change is difficult but knowing and preparing yourself for what is to come and being able to adapt – that is manageable!

Love, light and positive energy to all of you!