The last few years, I have really looked at my life and assessed the things and people that really are important to me.  I have had to let go of old acquantainces, I have met great new friends and have welcomed old friends back into my circle.  There are periods in our lives when we have to complete a ‘life cleansing’ to ensure that all that is around you creates a positive mindset for you and for those who chose to be part of your life.  My experiences have dictated that I had to remove the people in my life that complained and were very negative about life.  These people really sucked the positive energy right out of me and left me tired and drained.  When you becomed revitalized, reenergized and want nothing but goodness for you and for those around you, you can really appreciate everything in your life with a new and fresh perspective!  It is like being ‘reborn’. 

In my current state of being ‘reborn’ – I always find it very emotionally rewarding to take stock of the things and people in my life that I am grateful for – so, here are some of the things/people that I am grateful for:

  • having the breath of life
  • the desire to continue to learn and grow
  • the beautiful planet and all it’s natural wonders
  • humanity’s desire to create goodness
  • my relatively good health
  • my desire to promote positivity throughout the world
  • my beautiful, encouraging and loving partner of almost 20 years – Jason
  • my family
  • my extended family of friends
  • my beautiful dog Bradley
  • my beautiful dog Freddy (who passed in 2010 and taught me so much)
  • the food that I eat
  • my home

I have so much to be grateful for and want to ensure that I take the time to acknowledge all that I am grateful for.  It is important for me to let my family, friends, mother nature and all of the universe know that I appreciate all the love, support and positive energy that they give me.

Take a look at your life – have you shown gratitude for all that you have in your life?  Take a moment, slow down and assess all that you are grateful for.

Love, light and positive energy to all of you.