QUESTIONS to ask yourself, think about, consider and possibly ACT ON!

I have said this many times before – there are so many people on this planet who do not have the slightest clue as to what is going on in our world.  Most of us are not really aware of where we get our food, our clothing, medicine, water, televisions, cars, etc.  We also don’t want to consider the outcome of our actions in terms of what we buy, where we buy it from and where it ends up.  Why are most people more concerned about Kim Kardashian’s partners or Lindsay Lohan’s life than the more serious issues that are happening around them such as; the environment, gun control, health care prevention, poverty, starvation and so many other world issues.  My thoughts are – people don’t want to think of these things because they are already in a state of anxiety and depression.  They have to work their asses off to make rent/mortgage payments then feed themselves and their children.  They have to worry about their commute to work and getting there on time for fear of losing their job.  They have to worry about paying their huge post-secondary loans or not becoming ill (if they don’t have health care coverage).  We have to stop looking to our politicians who are always saying ‘we can’t’ and take it upon ourselves to ensure that WE CAN change our world towards a more positive and inclusive one for everyone!

You may have thought about some of these questions but have you really?  Take a moment and think about finding the answers to some of these questions they may surprise you or even make you spring into action to resolve some of them:

  • How much ‘safe’ drinking water do we have left?
  • What are the environmental impacts of rasing cattle?
  • Are there really enough fish in the oceans?
  • Why have cancer rates increased dramatically in the last 50 years, even with all the fundraising money that was raised?
  • How many trees are left to clear cut? (No we don’t want to cut them down anymore – ask yourself why?)
  • Why is there a huge increase in Chronic Respiratory Disease (too many cars on the road – gases in the air)?
  • How many animals will be extinct or on the endangered species list when your children are your age? Can we fix this?
  • Why are governments not doing more to save our environment?
  • When you can, do you give money to a homeless person without judgement?
  • Do you kill a bee, swat a fly, step on ants or try to avoid from hurting them?
  • Is there enough land to continue to all developers to build without consequence?
  • Why do big oil companies (Shell) want to drill in the Arctic?
  • How much more can our world handle?
  • Is there really healthier, safer and more sustainable resources than fossil fuels?
  • What are you willing to do for a cleaner, brighter and positive planet?
  • What drives you – having more money or having your health?
  • Where is all of our garbage going?
  • Should we continue to invest in military action or environmental issues?  (There can be no military without a planet)
  • Do you know who Kim Kardashian or Lindsay Lohan are?  (lol)

In all seriousness – I could add a million other questions pertaining to our planet, environment, philanthropy etc….but we don’t have the time.  We all must do our part to ensure a brighter tomorrow.  I have said this before – ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, imagine what an army of people can do!  Don’t tell yourself you can wait until tomorrow to act for the greater good of our planet – ACT NOW.  Visit the websites of Greenpeace or The World Wildlife Fund – they can keep you abreast of what big corporations and governments are doing or not doing to create a better tomorrow.  We must hold them accountable and demand better!  Get out of your ‘haziness’ – open your eyes and become involved, awaken your soul and become connected to our environment, planet and universe!!!  I promise you will feel more alive than you ever were.

Love, light and happiness to all of you! (Greenpeace) (World Wildlife Fund)