Every year – I hear the same comments from friends and family about the Gay Pride Parade’s that happen all over the world, comments like; “we don’t have a straight pride parade”, “why do you all have to parade around the streets naked”, “what goes on in your bedroom’s should stay in your bedroom’s, I don’t want to see that” – just to quote a few.

For one – in terms of not having a ‘straight pride parade’, I believe the answer to that is – everyday is straight pride.  There is no reason to have a parade because it is normal for all straight people to celebrate their heterosexuality everyday – and believe me, they do!  Heterosexuals display their sexual orientation in public everyday without fear of being verbally or physically assaulted.

As far as ‘parading around naked’ – the media sensationalizes this by showcasing the individuals who choose to wear limited clothing.  Also, the majority of naked ‘people’ are those that belong to an exclusive group called TNT men.  I believe in freedom of expression and if this is how they choose to express themselves – then so be it.  Most people tend to feel more uncomfortable with sexuality and the human body then seeing someone shot to death, isn’t sexuality more natural then violence?

Let me just point out why the LGBT community have come together to celebrate their diversity and to show the world that it is okay to be different and to not conform to what society believes to be ‘normal’ or ‘right’.

  1. Homosexuality is still illegal in many countries around the world – you can be imprisoned or even put to death for being homosexual.
  2. Numerous studies have shown that lesbian, gay and bisexual youth have a higher rate of suicide attempts than do heterosexual youth.  The Suicide Prevention Resource Centre synthesized these studies and estimated that between 30 and 40% of LGBT youth, depending on age and sex groups, have attempted suicide.
  3. We want the same civil liberties as our heterosexual counterparts.  In some countries gay couples are not allowed to adopt children, allowed to visit their partners in hospitals or have access to their finances should anything happen to one of them.
  4. Gay Pride parades/celebrations are a celebration of diversity and discussion – like the civil rights movement, we have sent a message to the rest of society that oppressing and discriminating against people for the colour of their skin, sexual orientation, gender etc is not right.
  5. We must ensure that we never forget our history by remembering the past – The Stonewall riots, bath house raids, AIDS crisis, the Holocaust (yes – Hitler exterminated homosexuals during his mass genocide).
  6. As I have mentioned before – today, homosexuals around the world are being killed just for being born gay/lesbian/bisexual – THIS IS NOT OKAY!

I don’t think I need to continue my discussion on why I believe that Gay Pride Parades are empowering, positive, energetic, inclusive, diverse, positive and healing.  They not only bring communities together – they are great for economies and they bring the world communities together without bias of religious denomination, tradition or ethnicity – Gay Pride is a celebration of diversity.

I will definitely support my cities pride events to ensure that we continue to build a better tomorrow without prejudice, judgement and fear.


***please note – images are not my own and have been uploaded from the internet – I am thankful for whomever created these images***