How many times have you made a comment or remark about something (social issue, politics, religion, sex etc) and have offended someone?  Do we really have ‘freedom of speech’?

I have conflicting views about ‘freedom of speech’ and being able to express how you feel about any topic.  I don’t intentionally want to hurt someone’s feelings or underline there views but I am also not going to filter how I feel about something just to protect their feelings.  I believe in being honest, truthful and to the point.  I may not be able to verbally articulate myself in the most efficient way or as quickly as the person I am talking to would like – but I am not going to comprise my views to appease them.

I also don’t believe that promoting hate and ignorance into our world should be protected under ‘freedom of speech’ – Is that being contradicting?  For example, The Westboro Baptist Church is allowed to picket funerals of gays and soldiers that have defended their country – they are allowed to carry their signs “God Hates Fags”, “Matthew Sheppard is in Hell”, “AIDS is God’s punishment” etc….how is this hate speech helping and educating society for the greater good?  What if I held signs saying “Heterosexuality is a sin”, “Being straight is not normal”, “God Hates Straight People”?  Would I be allowed to protest at funerals and express myself because it is my right to do so?  Yes, but I would never do it because I know it is disrespectful, cruel and ignorant.

Being able to express ourselves is wonderful.  We live in a country were we will not be thrown in jail for how we feel about social, political, economical and religious issues (for the most part).  I express myself because I feel passionate about whatever issue I choose to write or talk about – you don’t have to agree with me but you also don’t have to be disrespectful.  When I talk or express my views with friends and family – I don’t try to persuade you them to feel the same way about a certain issue.  My intent is to express my view in hopes that they may have another or different outlook on that topic.  I am a vegetarian, I am not trying to convert everyone to become vegetarian – I just want them to experience the benefits I have experienced as a vegetarian but most ‘meat eaters’ are usually offended as soon as I tell them I am vegetarian.  They make comments like “what do you eat leaves”, “you have to eat meat to get all your vitamins and nutrients”, “are you sick a lot”, “you need to drink milk for your bones” etc….I just re-direct them to sites that may help them understand the vegetarian lifestyle in hopes that they get the facts and not listen to gossip.

I am not perfect and do realize that I may sometimes get overly passionate on certain issues and sometimes a little frustrated when my views are taken out of context.  I work on restraining myself from making judgements and that all opinions matter – even when they are in direct contradiction from what I believe to be right.  Just because I am passionate about the environment, animals and social injustice doesn’t meant that everyone else holds those issues with the same importance.  All I can do is express what I feel, education myself (so that I can enlighten others) and do what I can for our environment, animals and have a voice for those who don’t.

I hope that you are able to express yourself without feeling like your thoughts or notions do not matter – all our ideas matter if the intention is for the greater good of our world.